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nine years have come and gone and in that time I've loved my family protected them and did I could.

Tig and I had two more sets of twins when we finally had two boys Tig was overjoyed that he was no longer outnumbered.

our last set of twins was a boy and a girl.

now we are an even numbered family.

 so much has happened since having Ren and Ava. 

my brother took over as prez, Opie passed away or more so was killed in prison, Tig became Jax's v.p. Chibs became his sarge at arms.

Kozzy and happy are the enforcers. 

Bobby was killed as was Juice and so was Piney. Jax killed Clay for having a hand in our father's death.

Jax married the girl he was seeing and they had triples which Jax passed out from hearing the news.

I still tease him about that.

To this day and he just glares at me which makes me laugh.

Mom found love in a man named Nero who owns an escort place that's mixed now with Cara cara since lu was murdered.

Ly helps Nero run both companies and she had given up being a pornstar sticking with behind the scenes ordeal.

To say things in my life are crazy would be an understatement but it's the life of the Samcro princess who fell in love with the kinky son and is the twin of the prince of charming.

When Tara tried coming back I handled her since at the time my sister in law was pregnant and I had fully healed from my last delivery of twins.

When she tried to play the I'm pregnant card we took her to the doctor had tests ran and found out she was lying.

We told her to get out of charming and never come back. 

the Sons have got legit no more gun running, no more drugs, no more breaking the law which is really surprising but it's what mine and Jax's father wanted so Jax did just that.

It is truly amazing how so much has changed and occurred in my life and everyone else's that's been there from the start.

We enjoy our lives and wouldn't want them any otherway.


The End

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