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Since having our girls Tig and I learned first hand what it's like being first time parents even though he's got Dawn and Fawn he never got to do anything with them. so he's practically a first time parent.

Yes half the time he has to go and its just me handling the girls which is a job in a half but it's worth it.

I have learned things from mom about what she did with me and Jax to calm us down. I learned some things from Lyla. I've learned from Chibs, and I've got a great majority of tips and help from books.

What I learn I tell Tig or vise versa.

I had just laid Ava down when I heard someone knocking so I make my way down the stairs grab the gun I had near by and check the peep hole. when I don't recognize the person I stair quiet thinking they' ll leave as I stand there not making a sound.

 they knock a few more times before the mess with the handle.

I send Tig a quick text of whats going on before I turn my volume off and pocket my phone before turning the monitor down and put it on the table close bye getting ready to blow who ever the fuck this mother fucker is to fuck town.

I back and and aim my gun right as the lock is picked.

"who the fuck are you and why did you just pick my fucking lock?" I asked

"We are a friend of your husband. so come with us and you wont be hurt or your kids." he says

"don't think so" I tell him he comes at me and I shot him in the head before I take off up stairs and shot the mother fuckerss who tried to get my babies  in the head as well, making them fall out the window. I put my gun in my pants and pick up my girls place them in the carrier whistle for Demon and carry the girls to my room grab a already packed bag. turn and shot the intruder that came in my room then pick up my girls carry them out grabbing their daiper bag and walked over the dead body placed my girls in the car and shot the guy running at me before I climbed into the car after Demon and sped off.

"what happened?" Tig asked running over.

"some men claim to be friends of yours invaded the house tried kidnapping the girls and taking me so I shot them. go to the house and you'll find all the bodies," I tell him

"lets go guys, Tig you stay here with her and your girls," Clay says as the guys ride off in the van and their bikes.

Tig and mom come to grab the girls carrying them into the clubhouse to Tigs old dorm room where they are laid in the little beds that are on Tigs old bed and the monitor is turned on as I followed them out while Deom stayed with them. We sit on the couch and I explained to them everything that happened before I lay the gun on the table.

"one round left" I say 

"you killed them all?" 

"head shot every single one of them" I replied

"Just like your dad thought you" mom says

I nodded my head 

"So glad you got out of there safely." Tig says

"me too" I replied

"now we wait to see who it was," mom says


"did you bring a lockdown bag?" 

"I did."

"good we are having you and the girls under lock down till this shit is sorted out and fixed" Tig says

"fine with me."

Mom gets up and walks off to the kitchen while I lay back in Tig's arms and relax.

When the others get back the go to church before they come back and tell me what all was going on.

"so its lock downtime?" Ly asked since she had come in with the guys

"Yea" Clay says

"alright we will all go get our families and bring them here" Jax says before everyone left.

"you did perfect handling them" Clay tells me

"I wasn't about to let someone take me or my daughters," I reply

"motherly instinct kicked in and she did what was necessary," mom says rejoining us.

I nodded my head as did Tig.

"well the bodies and everything is taken care of" Clay tells me

"thank you" 

"welcome" he says before him and Tig walk off while mom and I go check on the girls and Demon.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now