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While working and handling my pregnancy making sure I do just what the doctor told me to. I also spend time with Koz.

Mom has noticed how big of help along with Demon he has been and I'm sure that she has hosted about it to the others just rubbing it in Alex's face.

"Hey wanna come by the clubhouse with me. Happy and I are supposed to be patched today" he says

"sure we'll come and celebrate when you are patched," I tell him

"Don't get too excited Alex will probably keep me from patching with the number of times your mom has boasted about me spending time with you and making sure to rub it in Alex's face about the whole thing" he says

"it's his own damn fault for the shit he said about me," I replied as we headed out the door.

"It is but I know that he'll be an ass just to try and ruin things."

"he does and I will jump his ass," I tell him

"Don't your pregnant no need to put any stress on your baby," he says

"Alright, I'll say it as nice as possible."

he shook his head as we both pull out of my driveway and leave.

I follow him into the lot knowing that everyone is watching. He parks beside the others and I park by mom's suv before climbing out with Demon and putting his lead on and going to greet mom while Koz goes to hopefully get patched over to charming sons charter.

"Hi baby" she greets 

i kiss her cheek andsit on the couch.

"you think they will alow him to patch over?" 

I shook my head

"Alex will prevent it ?"

I nodded my head

"he has no right being pissed he fucked up."

I rub my face before looking at her and nodded again

"how are you?" she asked

I smiled gave her thumbs up.

"that's great baby."

I gesture towards the clubhouse and she follows Demon and I over.

I can hear ruckus so we stay outside in case there is a fight which is possible if Alex wants to be an asshole with Koz.

I watched as Koz walks out

"well I'm not patched thanks to Alex. so I have to go back to Tacoma" he says

I sit there and start crying.

"No please dont go" I finally talk where others can hear me.

"I'm sorry but he prevented me from being able to patch over. but dont worry Happy is here."

"I know but he's been busy and you've helped me so much with everything" I cried as I stand up and wrapped my arms around Koz and sob.

Mom stands up and rubs my back.

"I will do my best to keep in contact" he says then kisses my cheek and leaves.

I stand there watching him go as mom kept rubbing my back as silent tears fall.

I turned and looked at ALex.

"I really hope you are happy Alexsander. you out of jealousy and bullshit refused the one person that was helping me." I say to him as I wipe my eyes

"what was he helping you with huh?" 

I say nothing

"was he helping to keep your bed warm?" 

"no asshole he was helping me keep my stress down so I dont miscarry. but thanks to your fucking ass he's gone. " I say before I turn and walk off with Demon

I can hear running but I dont pay them no mind just get Demon in the car and climb in shutting and locking the door. about to back up when Alex comes and bangs on the window.

"Please talk to me I'm sorry I was jealous," he says

"I dont want to hear your excuses Alex. you got what you wanted. so just leave me alone" I tell him as I back up making Alex jump out of the way.

I headed to my house hoping Koz would be there but he isn't so I go inside with Demon and we head up to bed and I curl up with him and focus on relaxing my mind and body like Koz has helped me do plenty of times before.

Once I managed to calm down I drift off to sleep holding Demon close not wanting to lose him like I did Koz.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now