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Lu had given me a week off telling me that I needed to relax and get ready to find out the exciting news about what my baby is to be. 

So here I am with Demon by my side watching some cartoons.

"Hey Kier I hope you don't mind I used my key to let us in" Kozzy says

 I looked over and seen him,happy,jax, Abel, and ALex. walking in.

"No I don't mind Kozzy I say then reach out making grab hands to my brother wanting my nephew.

"I have missed this little guy so much" I say once Jax hands him over and I rock him in my arms as I kisses his little cheeks making him giggle.

"he missed you as well sis" Jax says

"Well sit down I wont bite. " I tell them as I snuggle Abel close.

they all take a seat with ALex being on the other side of Demon and Kozzy being next to me.

"so hows life?" Kozzy asks

"well you know, being pregnant, having to deal with kicks at ungodly hours from little person here" I say pointing to my stomach

He smiles

"anything else?"

"I have a full week of nothing but realxsation since Lu wants me to get ready for the geender revel. which I am sure mom will throw a party for that" I replied

"Its not Gemma if she doesn't" Alex says

"ain't that the truth" Jax says

"what about with you guys?" I asked

"what about us?"

"any lucky ladies?" I asked

"no one but crow eaters" Happy says

"bummer huh?"

they shake their heads.

"what about you any lucky guys?" Jax asked

"sexually no. non sexually this fur baby right here has all my attention except now its split with him, Ab, and you four" I replied then looked at Alex.

"How bout you Tigz?" 

He smiles since this was the first time after I there my engagement ring at him that I called him something other than Alex.

"No, not even crow eaters" he replied

"talk about a case of blue balls" I commented making them chuckle.

"I don't think I wanna know about you Bro" I say

"cause you know already" he says

"sadly" I remarked

He just shakes his head.

"How did the four of you escape Clay's side?" I asked

"we didn't escape,we told mom we was coming with Koz to see you and she told me and Alex that we est make sure that we straighten things up between us or we'll have her heeled boot up our assess" Jax says

 I refrain from laughing since my Nephew was sleeping in my arms. but I grinned really big.

"Go mom" I say

"it was scary, I wont lie and that warning wasn't towards me" Happy says

"awe happy scared of my mom" I tease

"we all are"  he replied

"cause she keep you lot in order " I replied

"Now we know where you get your scary shit from" Kozzy says

"Her and my dad mixed is my type of crazy" I tell him as I looked over at him

"How come Jax doesn't have it then?"

"he's got dads charming looks as my stated. and he uses that instead mainly with women just to get his midget teller soaked. when he's not charming the ladies he's using a little of the crazy" I replied


"I'm trying to not say what I'm speaking of with virgin ears near by" I say pointing to ALex and Abel.

"baby you know as well as I do that I'm no virgin since your carrying my child" Tig says

"nope, this here is the milk man's kid. and boy did he deliver" I say

Jax and the others cracked up while I just looked at Tig and grinned while he just glared at me.

"Alright well I am gonna take little man home and get him to bed," Jax says as he stands up.

"don't keep him away for so long anymore" I tell him as I hand Abe over to him

"I will try my best" he says

"you better not or I'll hunt you down Jackson Nathaniel Teller"

"Oh she used the full name card man" Kozzy says as he and Happy stand up.

"Alright Luana Kira Teller" he says

"damn straight." I say before he leans down letting me kiss Abe goodbye before I get up slowly and hug Happy and Kozzy.

"dont be any strangers now." I tell them as I see them out the door.

"We wont Kira," they say as they mount their bikes.

I waved them off before I shut and lock the door before going back to where Alex and Demon was.

"ALright lets clear the air of all the shit that had happened between us" I tell him as I sit sideways  to face him.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now