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Since Abel's welcome home party different things occurred. Donna was shot to death, Clay and Jax got into it over some shit. 

Now here we all are paying our respects for Donna out of respect for Opie and his kids. Well, my brother of course couldn't do something for his best friend cause he wasn't around during the church service and he's not here now when they are about to lay her to rest.

As the service drew closer to being over that's when Jax decides to show up and swap spit with Tara after he slips his Kutte. He grabs a flower kisses it as he looks at mom, Clay,& Tig like they had something to do with what happened to Donna.

He placed the flower down looks at me but I don't bother to look at him. Once he leaves Tara takes her seat and the service ends.

We all stand to pay our last respects to Donna before leaving.

I stay back and hug Opie.

"I know you and my brother are best friends and brothers. but if there is anything I can do just let me know" I tell him

He nods his head and hugs before he takes his leave.

 I walk over to pay my brother a visit.

"will you stop being disrespectful JAckson" I say

"I'm not doing anything" he says

"get off our baby brother's tomb, its not a seat" I say

He sighs and stands up.

"I don't have time for your bullshit today."

"No just got time to blow Opie off when he wanted you there not only as a friend but his brother while he has to bury his wife."

"do you even know what happened?" 

"its club matter so no I don't I don't stick my nose where it doesn't belong," I say and shot a nosy Tara a look

"Leave her out of this," he says

I just look at him as the two of them walked off.

I sat by Thomas's tomb and talk with him about everything like I did when I would watch him both at home and in the hospital.

I was the one who held him in my arms as he left this world. I was the one that was the closest to him his entire life. & I was the one that was affected the most besides mom since he was her baby.

I kissed my fingers and placed them on his tomb before I stood up wiped my dress off and walked off bypassing my dad's tomb since Jackson and Tara were there.

I started walking back home.

"Get in Tara's care she'll give you a lift back," Jax says

I ignore him and keep walking.

"Come on Luana," he says

"If you think I'm getting in that shitty care with that runaway your on crack" I tell him as I keep walking

"then get on the back of my bike," he says

"I'm to riding bitch with you."

he pulled up and blocks my path while Tara stops beside me so I walked around him and continue on.

"you're being childish," he says as he catches up.

I just flip him off tired of wasting my breath on him.

"real mature." 

"why don't you leave this waste of space who I am sure you wished was in Thomas's place while he was here alone." 

"I don't wish that nor do I want it. I'm sorry for saying what I did."

"Just fucking leave me alone and go fuck that trash," I say before disappearing out of sight once we reached town.

I walked into the library and vanish in my little nook sitting on the bean bag and curled my feet up before me as I grab a nearby book and read it for a bit.

It wasn't till the sun started to set that I left and head home.

"Where in the hell have you been?" Tig asked walking up to me after I walked into the house.

"Hello to you to Alex" I replied

"cut the shit where were you?"

"Library" I answered

"Why didn't you call me?"

"My phone along with my clutch was in your saddle bag."

"they have landline phones at the library," he says

"for library use only."

He sighs and rubs his face.

"Did you walk from the cemetery to the library then home?"

I nodded my head

"the fuck Luana. you could've been kidnapped or worse" he says

"No Jax followed me until we reached town then I walked to the library."

"Why didn't you ride with him?"

"I'm a waste of space to him remember."

With that said I walked off upstairs stripped down and headed into the bathroom where I took a much needed shower.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now