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People didn't like how I was acting, claiming that its not like me or its causing trouble. which I've not done anything to stir trouble with anyone so thats not understandable.

Heck my own fiance has problems with me but didn't bring it to me he instead took it to my mother.

I walked up to the office hearing Tig talking to my mother. I stood there in the doorway listening.

"your daughter has serious damage and issues. she's a fucking disaster, Gemma."

I removed my ring and threw it at the back of his head he grabbed his head and turned to face me seeing me with teary eyes.

"if I'm such a disaster then don't fucking marry me. go fucking bury your dick in croweaters and leave me alone. " I say as I cried and stormed off bypassing everyone ignoring their call for me to stop.

I took off running down the sidewalk as I sobbed.

When I reached my father's tomb I dropped down and laid there sobbing.

"what's wrong with me dad? why am I like this?" I asked 

I cried and asked dad so many different questions knowing I'll never hear his reply. so I stopped asking and just laid there crying.

I didn't pay any attention to my phone or the time I stayed there till I fell asleep.

The next day I woke and seen I was covered up. I sit up and fold the blanket before I stood up and walked the cemetery to look for the lady that I knew covered me up.

I smiled in thanks as I handed her the blanket back. She takes it and walks off to her buggy and leaves.

I sigh and make my journey back. I wasn't in any hurry to get back so I took my time.

"Hey Luana" Unser greeted

"Hi Uns" I replied

"You ok?" he asked

I look down tearing back up as I shook my head

"need a lift?" he asked

I shrugged 

"hop in" he says

so I opened his passenger door and slip into the seat. I shut the door and buckle up before he drives off.

I don't tell him where I want to go I just look off in a daze.

"Luana, we are here" 

I looked over at him before I looked before us and seen my mom, my brother, and Tig.

"Thanks," I say as I unbuckled and climbed out walking to my car where I pop the truck grab my bag, and shut it before turning and head for the clubhouse bypassing the three of them.

After I scrubbed the dirt off me I walked out to put the bag back in my truck and head towards the garage and get to work.

"wanna talk?" mom asked

I shook my head

"I'm sorry baby" she says walking over to me and wrapped her arms around my head as I wrap my arms around her waist and break down all over again.

"why does people hate me. why am I still here when I'm such a issue for everyone?" I asked the two questions of many that I asked dad

"I don't hate you and you're not an issue for me. your bother and Ales are assholes for making you feel like this." 

I say nothing just cry harder as my mom comforts me.

"were you with your dad?" she asked

I nod my head

"I knew where you were the minute you left here. and I knew that you'd not talk to anyone which is what I told Jax and Alex when tried getting a hold of you."

I sniffled and pulled back looking up at my mom before I cried again.

she cups my face and wipes the tears from my eyes.

"Listen to me ok."

I nodded my head

"You are wanted and needed by me, your not a disaster, a waste of space, and you don't have serious problems. you handle things how your dad had handled them. & nothing is wrong with you taking after him on that."

I sniffle but say nothing.

"I know things for you and them two, as well as the rest of us, will change and I'm ready to help you like I have when you've gone silent." she says

"You have too much to worry about. just let me handle me. I promise when I need you I'll come to you." I say

She nods her head and kisses my cheek before holding me as she had before as I did the same to her before we break apart and I wipe my eyes blow my nose and get back to work.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now