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I went a full month without speaking a word to Jax which wasn't like him and me to not talk with one another since we are best friends and always come to each other for advice or whatever.

Mom didn't like that it happened but she knew why and knew how I felt about the whole situation so she knew it do her no good to try and get me and Jax to talk.

I was at Jax's place helping mom prep it for Abel's homecoming party.

Wendy showed up while mom was about to hand up the welcome home Abel banner that she had made.

I say nothing as I wrapped the ribbon around the columns while mom had Wendy help her hang the banner as they talk.

After I was done I move on taking over what mom was gonna hang on the fireplace but she was sidetracked with speaking to Wendy.

After wendy left it was just the two of us.

"he sure knows how to pick them huh?" she comments

"that's for sure" I agree

"you gonna talk to him tonight?" 


she looks at me and I looked at her not saying anything just go back to decorating.

"its almost time to go get Abel from the hospital you going to be ok finishing this up?"

"Ya, go ahead. I've got this" I tell her

She kissed my temple and walks out grabbing her purse

I finish up the whole thing before I walked into the nursery that mom and I redon since Wendy basically used this room for drugs. 

I sat in the rocking chair and just rocked as I looked around the room that we had spent hours cleaning and scrubbing till the pain came off then we redid the paint. tossed the original furniture not trusting that it was coated in drugs or had drugs hiding in it somewhere. we bought Abel a whole new wardrobe.

After I spent some time in my nephew's nursery I got up and walked out decided to head out to spend time alone before the party was to take place. 

once I headed back I made sure everything was picked up, the food was perfect, and that everything was still in place.

When people started showing up they greeted me and helped their selves to beer after I warned them to wait for the Baby of the hour to show before we touch the food.

I stood there waiting for my mom and brother to come in. when they did Jax was holding Abel so me getting him with out asking was gonna be a challenge.

"Hi sis" Jax says walking right up to me by passing the others with Abel in his arms 

I inclined my head

"you'll have to talk to me if you want to hold my son" he says

I snarled at him.

He smiled knowing I wanted to punch him but with him holding Abel I won't do it.

"Come on talk to me and you can be the first to hold him"

"I hate you" I say

"see that wasn't so bad" he says as he hands Abel to me

I let a few angery tears fall as I turn my back on my brother and walk to the recliner and hold my nephew.

"what did you do Jackson?" mom asked

"I got her to talk to me" he says

 "You used Abel knowing how much I love him. tellign me I cant hold him unless I talk to you you fucking asshole" I say

"keep cussing at me I'll take him back" he threatens.

"you can fucking try to get him from me" I shot back and wiped my eyes as I snuggled Abel into my arms and kissed his cheek.

"give him back" Jax says

"move or I'll kick you in the balls." I warned

"give him over" he says

"No. leave us alone. you got what you wanted I have who I want not bugger off" I tell him

He looks at me and walks to the love seat across from me.

I hold Abel in my arms not giving him up to anyone, not even my mom.

"share him Luana," Jax says

I just shot him a look.

I lean my head down and whisper sweet words to Abel when he starts to fuss.

Jax snatches him out of my arms and I growled at him as I shot up and went to lunged for him but Tig grabs me and holds me on his lap after he takes the seat I previously was in.

"I said share him." Jax hands Donna Abel before facing

"and I said go to hell" I replied

"get out of my house if you can't talk to me any better"

"come make me big boy," I say 

"Grow up."

"you're the one to talk." 

"I'm a father I'm grown. you're an overgrown child."

"Being a dad doesn't make you grown. I mean your still a man whore so ..." 

"I'm not a man whore you waste of space" I got out of Tig's hold walked up and decked my brother in the face.

"if I'm a waste of space then so are you since we are twins you piece of shit," I say then I looked at Tig.

"See you whenever baby," I say before I walked over kissed my mom on her cheek then I leaned down and kiss Abel's cheek.

"I am sorry that you got a piss poor excuse of a father," I tell him before I grab my things and leave but not before I kick Jax in the balls making him groan and get into the fetal position.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now