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Lately, I've been running to the bathroom and emptying my stomach, and half the time it's already empty when I throw up.

not really sure what's going on I had contacted my doctor and made an appointment. 

Which is where I am at the moment with Demon on his lead.

"Ms. Teller," the nurse says

I stand up and walk with Demon to the back

"Hello, what a handsome feller you have there" she greets

"thank you he's my baby" I replied

I step up on the scale then let her take my blood pressure.

"alright says here that you've been throwing up a lot lately." the nurse says once we are settled in a room

"Yea half the time I will throw up on an empty stomach the other half I had just ate" I replied

"how long has this been going on?"

"about four days give or take."

"ok well we will see what the doctor says and go from there alright?"

"sounds good" I tell her

"she'll be in here in a few." the nurse says as she takes her leave

I sit there rubbing Demon's side as I wait.

"hello, Lunana. this must be Demon" she says as she walks in and takes a seat.

"Yea this is Demon. my fur baby" I tell as I give Deom a good scratch.

"He helping you with everything depression wise?" 

"Oh yea and he's a great guard dog" I answered

"Good. now let's see about this constant throwing up."

"Is there a chance that I could be pregnant and not know about it due to everything else occurring like my depression and such?" I asked

"Yes there is a great chance of that being possible and if you want I can run a couple of tests to find out."

"Yea I wanna see if I am or at least rule that out," I tell her

"Alright well let me get this organized and we'll go from there."


As I sit there waiting for the nurse to come back and take some blood I think about the possible chance of me being pregnant. I mean the last time I was intimate was a month ago before I went silent due to Alex and Jackson bullshit.

After leaving my doctor's office I head over to St.Thomas and get a scan done since I am in fact pregnant.

"alright well is seems that your a full month about to be two in a few days" the nurse says as she looks at the ultrasound machine.

"Can you tell if there is anything wrong?" I asked

"from the looks of things your baby is doing great."she answered

I smiled as I wiped my eyes.

"so my depression hasn't harmed them?"

"no. though I cant say it won't."

I nodded my head as she continued explaining everything to me then handed me a towel to clean my stomach off with.

"Here's pamphlets and others things you need to know about different things that may or may not occur while pregnant." 

"thank you," I say

"welcome.I'll be right back with your scans" she says as she takes leave.

"well Demon looks like you are gonna have a tiny human sibling," I tell him as he looks up at me.

After she came back and handed me two envelopes

"figured your want to surprise someone special with this" she says answering my unasked question

"yes I will thank you," I tell her

"she smiled and bid me a good day as Demon and I leave.

"I guess we should go see mom and let her know what's been going on since she's been worried about me with the whole throwing up huh?" I asked Demon as I make my way to T-M lot.

After I parked beside mom's suv I climbed out leaving the envelope there and put Demon on his lead before he jumps out and walks with me to where I  hope mom is.

"Hello Luana" Juice greets 

I give a slight wave.

"doing good?" he asked

I nodded my head 

"that's good" he says before walking off

I walked into the garage off where mom is talking with Tara so I stepped back and sit on the seats outside the garage window and wait.

"Luana come on in here" mom calls

I stand up look at Demon who looks at me before we stepped into the office.

"hi baby" she greets then comes over and gives me a hug.

I kiss her cheek as a form of greeting.

"Hi demon, you taking care of my baby?" she asked scratching his head

I nodded my head telling her he is.

"what do I owe this visit?"

I turn and motion her to follow me as I walk back out the office.

"got a surprise for me?" 

I nodded my head as I walk up to my driver's door and open it gesturing for mom to climb in the passenger side. she walks around and climbs in.

I have Demon placed on my lap as I grab the envelope. 

"is this to be kept between you and I?"

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now