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The day I had Renelle & Avaylnn was the day they were supposed to arrive and just like me, neither of them had the Teller flaw. which mom as well as I was happy about.

The contractions hit early in the morning so knowing what was gonna be happening I took a quick shower while the pain was bearable before getting dressed in a simple loose dress then slipped on my shoes.

"Come on Tigzy time to wake up gotta get ready for work daddy" I greeted as I sit on the bed and leaned over kissing him till he woke.

"daddy come on or no blpow jobs" I threatened

He wakes up and looks atme.

"not nice" he says

"it got you awake didn't it."

"I was have a good sex dream involving you bent like a pretzel" he says

"wait six weeks after I have our girls and I'll let you take me in any position" I promise him

"deal" he says 

I smiled and stand up moving outta his way as he gets up and goes shower before he gets dressed.

decided to paly a little trick on him I slip his kutte on and went to the kitchen cooked a simple breakfast before I checked on Demon who was already eating.

"baby have you seen my Kutte. I've looked every where" Tig calls out

"did you leave it downstairs?" I called back

"no but I'll look" he say then comes down stairs walks passed me looks all over the living room then comes to the kitchen.

"cant find it" he says

"huh. wonder where it could be" I says

as I hand him his breakfast and a beer.

"no idea, probably left it at the clubhouse" he says

"probably" I say

After we eat and clean the kitchen up we leave heading to work. he clocks in before heading to the clubhouse while I walk over clock in and sit down.

"he not notice you wearing that?" mom asked

"No he thinks he left it here. and I had it on since he showered this morning" I replied

She chuckles and shakes her head before starting to mess with the file.

"So you have it huh?" Jax says

"Had it the whole time" I replied

"he never noticed?" he asked

"guess not" I replied

"looking good in the Kutte. never knew you was seragent at arms" Kozzy says

"I made this Kutte look hot" I replied

"that you do" he says

I grinned

"better not let Alex hear you say that" mom says which makes jax and I laugh after Kozzy groans and walks off quickly

"Damn it" Tig says

"what's wrong tiggy?" mom asked

"I cant find my Kutte and I looked every where" he says

"you positive?" she asked

"Yea. I am" he says

well get to work I'm sure it will show up" she says

 he sighs and walks out with Jax getting to work in the Garage.

 the others see me and comment but Tig pays them no mind.

"he not see you with it on?" Clay asked

I shook my head.

"how long have you had it?" he questioned

"since he was in the shower this morning" I replied

Clay laughs and goes to join the others and it was that time the contractions worsened. I hissed and mom looked at me.

"you ok?"

"contractions" I replied

"since when?"

"early this morning. I've kept track and right now they are ten minutes apart" I tell her

"no water break?" 

I shook my head.

I stood up with mom's help and walked in front of the desk when Chuck comes in.

"handle this for us we will be outside" mom orders

"got it" he replied and does as told as mom and I walk out side to the play area then back.

we stop when another contraction hits then my water breaks.

"ALEX"  I yelled

the sounds of multiple tools falling could be heard as the guys rush to me.

"whats wrong?" Tig asked

"her water just broke" Mom says as I gripped her's and his hand when another contraction hits.

"alright lets get you in the car and take you to the hospital." mom says then leas me off to my car and helps me in.

"there it is." Tig says

I couldn't help but laugh till contration hit.

"you just noticed I had it?" I asked as he climbs in with me.


I smiled and shook my head before removing his Kutte and handing it to him.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now