Bite Of A Vampire

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A few days has passed, Jin makes sure Y/n comes out of her room and help him with whatever he wants around the kitchen. Fortunately, she hasn't seen any of the brothers and she is getting better at hiding herself in her room before they emerge out of their dark rooms to feast on the food she helped prepared.

Jin now sets six meals instead of seven in the dining table and she figures that Namjoon still refuses to dine the food. No matter how hard he is on her, it still makes a tinge of guilt set in.

She is sitting under his roof and eating the food of their house while he refuses to even breath near the places she walked on.

Truth to be told, she is a little relieved. No matter the struggles and the fear they set in her bones, she is glad to be under a roof. If she was outside wondering around to find shelter, she wouldn't even be alive by now. Those werewolves would not even think twice before ripping her into shreds.

She has picked up the habit of eating again, even though it's not much as it should be, she is improving. The color of her cheeks are yet to come back and she has gotten more thin these past few months, but at least her stomach has a tiny little bump.

It gives her a little hope. The baby is alive and there with her.

She slowly walk out of her room, the tray of food balanced in her palms. They all are excused to their rooms by now. Listening to them live life behind her closed door have granted her enough idea of their schedules. So she always comes out when they hide away.

Closing the door behind her, she ambles towards the kitchen. The halls still scare her. They are too quiet and too red. A shiver travel down her spine, holding a whimper in.

One voice and they might come launching at her from a corner.

Her lips are being abused between her teeth when she talks the second last corner towards another hallway.

On human instincts, her whole body freeze in its place.

Eyes wide open, she stare at the dark shadow that is leaning against the wall. She can't see any of him but she can see the tilt of his head. He is starting right at her.

She is unable to move. Mouth parted and lips trembling, her grip on the tray turn white.

Is this it? Is this the end for her?

He slowly leans away from wall and comes to stand in all his glory. Still in the dark, his eyes shine and a gasp leaves her, mind erupting in horror.

His slits are red and staring right through her. He takes a step forward, his features coming in light a little bit. His hair are pushed back, a single strand falling over his forehead.

His face slowly lit a smirk, piercing, bloodshot, half slitted eyes seeming to shine a bit more at his mischief.

She takes a step back in fear, eyes watering without her realizing it.

Her voice is gone. She can not speak or scream. But even if she did scream, who will come to save her?

So she works on her instincts and walks a few more steps back. Her room is far away right now. But maybe one of the other closed doors she always walks past might be open. She has to escape.

With that in mind, she is just one step in on her run when he starts to stalk forward. He seems to know exactly what is going through her head.

And he looks like he would not let her leave this easily.

He is on her in a second. And before she could even let out a gasp, she is pushed towards him.

The tray falls from her hands with a loud clatter and she finds herself against a strong hold. A large arm is holding her up against his chest, leaving no room for escape.

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