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As if his crimson irises reflecting in the darkness of the night was not enough to make him look horrifying, the red liquid dripping from his chin with the mix of his saliva as it trail down the portion of his neck to then be socked in his white shirt attire made him look like the animal he indeed was.

His hands drops the black bags he carried with him as he let himself be allure by the newly diffused scene that is now starting to drive him insane.

His eyes firstly lands on the white nightgown that was drenched in blood then to the female holding them. "Where is she?" Is the only thing he growls and he lets himself be carried after by the scent that was only a human's.

"Jimin." Before he could get to the female, Yoongi voice fell on his ear. He snaps his head at him, eyes wide and red, his throats gulping.

"She is not a feast for your hands. Besides, i am sure you had your throats wet in the forest." Yoongi does not bothers opening his eyes, back still lean in the couch, yet his words held heavy warning in them.

Jimin's chest rumble with deep growls. "Is she not now! Did you bring her here to quench your own thirst then?"

A small smirk welcomes Yoongi's face, rilling up the younger even more.

"She is here for a reason, Jimin. No one is going anywhere near her with that intention. I have myself cleared."

Before Jimin could burst in the ignorance of the older, Namjoon one stern voice has him backing away instantly, his nostrils that were flaring to take in as much puffs of the lingering scent as possible going back to normal.

Jimin welcomes a scowl in the lines of his face and turns his body fully from the female and towards the couch as he lets himself be engulf by the softness of the leather.

Anything away from the smell that was slowly starting to creep on everyone.

"Do not enter the room. She is not adoring any attire." Mrs. Choi, that has been standing by the door with the bloodied cloths speaks firmly before turning around and leaving towards the stairs after gaining a nod from Jin.

Just as she starts climbing the stairs, she carries the hot burning smell of blood away with her and as she is out of the reach, a new smell diffuse in the air.

A smell that has them all freezing in there place.

A smell so feminine, a smell only owned by the delicate and fragile, a human female. If the smell of her blood was richly devine, than the smell of her had no words to describe it. The warmth that leaked from her every pore and the sweet honey scent that release from her every tissue had even the strongest alpha to bow down before her.

No wonder Jihyun had been so head over heals for the human. His last human.

She felt ripe and ready to be mated, ready to carry a child in her womb. But in between all the sweet smell of fruits and spices, there linger a smell no one could pin point. They did not even know if she was supposed to smell like that, but undoubtfully, it was there and it was extremely irresistible.

"She reek of dogs." The heavy voiced male states, nose scrunching up slightly as he enters the living room with the last third male.

Or maybe a bit of that smell too, but the stink was suppose to be there. She came from the surrounding of werewolves after all.

"What would you expect? She came from the dog's dungeon." The last male scoffs, throwing the many packs of blood in the table placed in between.

Namjoon studies the blood packs before rising his eyes up at the dark haired male. "Jungkook, you went in too much today. It is said thousands of times to not hunt down more than we need."

Jungkook takes one of the handkerchief placed on table and goes to clean his dripping chin and neck. "Ask Jimin hyung. He was the one who could not stop."

Jimin feels Namjoon's eyes fell on his and he breaks into a lopsided grin. "I figured we will need more, seeing as how painful it is to keep a human between us. I am sure these will be all out by tomorrow."

Namjoon's jaw clinch, not liking the carefree personality of the younger at the moment one bit, his hands fists up and before he could let his anger get the best of him, Hoseok finally speaks up, walking out of the kitchen and towards the living room.

"He is right, Namjoon. We all are aware that this is going to be painstakingly slow, so we need those bags." He picks up the blood bags from the table and works to carry them in the kitchen to store them away.

Jimin's grin widens even further at his victory before he turns his head towards the other male sitting next to him.

"I must say, this is one of the best decisions you have made. You brought her here with a purpose did you not? I can feel it." He muses.

The male continues to look forward with a firm expression. "She was to come to us anyways. I just spoke." His rough voice states.

Jimin smiles, hand rising as he pat the other in the shoulder. "Well, Kim Taehyung, i am glad you spoke that time."


Feww. All the members are introduced. I feel like introducing a character is the most difficult part, yet i like to challenge myself many times and throw in a new character. 😅😅

Btw, i just found out my sis used to like the same guy i used to like back in middle school. Idek what to do about this information😆😫

Leave alot of love in your way.


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