Divine Red

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Y/n knows she shouldn't turn

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Y/n knows she shouldn't turn. She can feel the heaviness of the gaze on her shoulders, pushing her down the ground and towards her grave. But like a prey who always watch their backs so that they don't get tackled to the ground and get eaten, she is a prisoner to her instincts.

She starts to turn her head to the side, heart beating in her throat. The moment her eyes lands on the black of his boots, she gives up halfway and whip her head to the front again. She doesn't have enough courage to actually look at him.

His eyes are too dark for her. She can barely stand the fact that his room is so closer  to hers. Let alone she will have him accompany her to the party. She can feel his gaze on her back, staring her down like the lowly creature she is.

The room gets chilly, so cold that she can not even feel the touch of Mrs. Choi who also stands behind her. She shivers, arms and legs already naked of clothes cause of the dress. This is going to be too torturing.

It isn't long before she hears more footsteps approaching from the hallways, announcing the presence of the other brothers one by one.

Y/n slowly stands up from her place, balancing herself on the heels she's wearing after such a long time before adjusting the hem of the dress above her knee. A whistle suddenly comes flying around from the back and she hides a flinch when she feels one of them stopping next to her.

She turns to Jimin, doe eyed, watching as he drags his red gaze up and down her body. "You look divine in red." He comments, eyes so evil that she just knows he's talking about something else. "It's your colour. You should always wear it."

This time she can't stop the flinching, especially when he's obviously pointing out something he's been a cause of in the past.

"Stop frightening her." Jin deadpans as he also joins his brothers, walking past the two towards Namjoon.

"You don't call this frightening." Rolling his gaze at his brother, he fix his eyes on the woman again. "I pleaded them to let me have you. But then I found out your going to be joining Taehyung tonight."

"Out of all of us," He smirks, leaning closer in her space as his piercing crimson gaze fix from behind her at Taehyung to her and her pouty red coated lips. "That man is a fucking beast."

He moves away after that, leaving her frozen in her place. The expression suits her. She looks just like a frozen doll, wide eyed and dressed up, ready to be ruined in many ways as anyone want to.

Jimin is right, she looks beautiful in red. No wonder her mate hid her like one would hide treasures of gold and ruby.

"Let us go." Hoseok murmurs, turning on the soles of his boots and walking away. They all follow him and Y/n only starts to walk behind them after Mrs. Choi puts a hand behind her back and gently push her.

Y/n lags behind in purpose, scared for her life but also the heels she wears almost makes her stumble about one time. It has been a few months without them so she feels like a waddling child. She was never good at walking with heels anyways and tried her best to appear presentable next to her mate in the close family parties he held once in a while.

But there was one time when she was practicing in their room and she stumbled and bruised her knees. Jihyun has also walked in on her that exact moment. And let's just say after that day, she was completely prohibited to wearing them ever again. He couldn't have her hurting herself anymore. His little mate was already a clumsy fluffy lump.

Y/n is so focused that she forgets the presence that still linger behind her. Till she notices the extra pair of boots. They are coming from behind.

She straightens up. He is still behind her.

Of course, she fastens her legs, trying to reach the others who walk out the main door. That also throws her off. Cause she hasn't been out in months, nor has she seen a glimpse of the sky.

The windows of her room are always drawn, a way to keep her in without having anyone's eyes falling on her. Even though, her room is quiet high, you never know, even a little bird can spread disease if he lingers by too much.

So when she finally reaches the grand door, she stops for a second. What if the wolf pack are lingering near by? What if they attack the moment she steps out?

Isn't that what they've been waiting for? For her to leave the protection of the vampire house so they can rip her to shreds.

But looking at the situation right now, it doesn't seem like a time they will want to waste. Also the person behind her doesn't look to be quite fond of anything. So against her human instincts, she takes a step outside.

And breathes in a fresh air after a long time.

Her eyes trail up to the sky and they water up at the beauty of it, the moon so full and the sky so clear. Her lips puffs out white smoke, air so cold that she feels if she stands here a bit more, she will freeze into the night.

But that doesn't deter her. She actually feels less worse now.


Forced back from her train of thoughts, she looks down and finds Jin looking up at her from where he stands down the front porch. She notices that most of them have already seated themselves into their carriages that line the front of the mansion.

"Come here." He calls, and she does as she is told. Walking down the stairs as the cold air finally starts to nip at her skin, she comes to a stand in front of him in the last stair.

He stretch his hand out, giving her something. She opens her palm and he place a small vial on it. It glitters with a red liquid inside.

It's a potion Namjoon was talking about. The one that will take away the smell of her fertility and pregnancy.

"Drink this the moment we arrive at the party." He instructs, shifting his gaze behind her. "Lead her away, Taehyung."

'Take me with you.' She finds herself wanting to say out loud. None of them are nice enough for her to feel safe with them. But she figures, even Jin is better than the silent Vampire that lingers in her shadow.

The man finally steps up front, and Y/n doesn't have to look at him to tell how much he easily towers over her. One of his hand raise, motioning her to step up front.

She does so without any waste, walking down the last step and slowly walking towards the carriages. Taehyung also follows suit, but he is stopped when Jin place a heavy hand on his shoulder.

"Be a bit nice." Jin warns.

But Taehyung turns to him with dead eyes. "You can only wish."


Upcoming Y/n and Taehyung moments for all my thirsty girls out there hehe. The next two to three chapters are going to be a roller coaster for y'all I must say. Sadly time is not good with miss Y/n. We can only hope for her to be treated well. Taehyung does need a good character development I must say. I do wanna woop his ass every time he gets like this. That man is a meanie.

I hope you liked the chapter. Happy holidays and happy New Year, my loves. See you in the next year.


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