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The world is spinning in circle. Or is it her world that is. Her lashes flutter against her cheeks when she shuts her eyes close, a drop of sweat trailing down her forehead and coating her skin.

She feels her lungs squeeze in on themselves, making it hard for her to continue the normal exercise of breathing. Her stomach groan in pain and her partched lips starts to tint blue at the lack of a air, a much needed fresh air.

She has been locked in this room for a whole month after waking up from her coma. The once visit of food that happened three times a day reduced to two which then turned to none. In days, they bring in a little amount of food, as if suddenly remembering there is someone in the house who needs it.

Y/n herself prefers to stay away from the food they bring in, afraid there might be something in it. But the human need forces her to take a bite to stay alive. She needs to stay alive. Now is not when she dies.

But at this moment, where she struggles to breath and fights the demons of unconsciousness who lingers above her head, she thinks the end is closer.

"J-Jihyu-..." Bile and saliva suck up into her mouth as she calls for her dead mate.

Her hand grip the door of the bathroom she just left after a horrible amount of throwing up, body doubling over as the feeling of more that upset her stomach. She felt like she is dying. Oh how she wishes to..

She takes a shaky step ahead, hand tightening on the door to the point of her knuckles turning white. She just needs to get to the bed. After she reach there, all she has to do is clinch her eyes shut tight and bite her tongue till she falls asleep. It will only take a few hours. After that, she will be free from the reality of this cruel world. It has become a habit. She has been doing it from the day she woke up. Her tongue is so damaged at this point, she can not even speak properly.

Not that she has said a word. Her voice feels like its gone. Only air comes out of her mouth whenever she opens it to speak. So she left it at that. She likes being voiceless.

Another step in and she goes tumbling down on the ground. Her head hits the hard floor with a harsh thud and a sob escape the blue barrier of her lips. She whimpers before the blackness that dots her eyes finally envelope her.



There is an urgency in Jin's voice when he sees her. She lays lifeless and small in the red carpet of the room she was kept in. He hurries over, bending down to cradle her body into his lap.

He looks down at her, brows furrowed when he notice her dead pale skin. His eyes trial downwards and he finds her chest halted, not beating nor moving up and down in a motion of breathing.

That is when he starts to panic. A curse leaves him before a voice deadpan behind him.

"What is it?" It is Jungkook's eerie voice that speaks from outside the open door.

Jin turn his head around to face him. "She is not breathing."


"Is she dead?"

Namjoon's hoarse voice is what greets Jin the moment he walks in the living room. The elder sigh, tired of the taunt in his voice. "No."

"Good." Namjoon deadpan.

"Namjoon," Jin presses. "We have to let her out of the room. Her brain fogged up and that could have killed her. She is not getting any better the-"

"Why?" Namjoon raise a brow, leg swinging over the other as he leans back in the single couch.

"She has been in there for three months. She is a human. She needs air." Jin tries to reason with the younger but he only stares back with no room of flexibility in his attitude.

"Let her stay there." That seems to be his final decision.

"Really? She will go crazy." The elder sighs heavily.

"Is that not what we want? Why are you arguing, hyung?" Namjoon sits up in his place, not understanding the concern his brother is showing towards the human.

"I agree with Namjoon hyung." It was Taehyung who speaks this time, making everyone turn toward him. "Is this not why she is here. There is no point on letting her breath when she is going to loose that ability soon."

Jin stares at him, a little shocked at the fact that Taehyung is envolving himself in this matter. He always prefers to stay away and this matter definitely does not worry him as seen by his unconcerned attitude. Then why is he siding with Namjoon?

"Is this the kind of revenge you want." It is Hoseok who voice this out. "To let her escape the reality of it this easily. She needs to see what we felt. And for that we have to let her see the worse of it."

Namjoon seems to have realized something and a few seconds goes by as he thinks, the ticking of the clock being the only sounds that is made.

He release a breath after a minute and relax his shoulders. "Fine. Do whatever you want to do. Suck her dry or drag her into house work. Just know at the end of the day, I want her alive." With that, he gets up and ambles out of the room.

Jimin stares at his retreating back before leaning in to rest his elbows over his thighs, a smirk playing his plump lips. "Suck her dry, huh." His eyes dance with excitement, mouth already watering.

Jin shoots him a warning look. "You are not going anywhere near her.."

Jimin raise a questioning brow, trying to read the elder and his sudden posture resembling a shield. "Hyung..." He draws in suspicion.

"At least till she is healthy enough. With the way she looks right now, even a prick from a needle will kill her." Jin explains and turn back to walk outside the door, leaving his brothers in their inkling thoughts over his behavior.


"You fainted."

Y/n stares with half lidded eyes at the man, body having not enough power to sit up so she stays laying in the bed.

"You are fine. The energy will be maintained with food." Jin explains further, putting a tray of food on the night stand. "Eat this."

The female selfconsciously grip and bring the blanket upto her chin to cover herself, biting her bottom lips in embarrassment. All she has been doing is be a bother to him. She does not like that one bit.


She looks up at him when her name is called. She finds him staring back at her with the usual blankness in his eyes. His eyes are so dark, Y/n feels scared just by looking at them.

"Do you know how to do house chores?"

She blinks when he says this, confused at his question. She shakes her head, a little blood that is left in her body rushing up to her cheeks. She has never done any house work before. In the alpha house, there were many maids to do that and Jihyun never allowed her to wonder around and do any work. The only thing she convince him to let her do was cooking. And he loved everything she made.

Jin purse his lips. "Cooking..?"

Y/n stares at the light flash of hesitation in his expression before she slowly nods. She has to do something.

Relief wash over his face but he covers it up excellently. "Good. Wake up at seven tomorrow. You are going to help me with breakfast." That is the only thing he says before turning around and leaving the room.


I AM BACK!! And I deeply apologize for being a shitty ass author who just never updates. I really need those spankies. 🙅🙅🙅

I wrote this chapter a few days ago but couldn't update it cause I had no freaking net with me. I have also written the layout of the next chapter and that will also be updated soon. I hope you guys like the chapter.

Leave lots of love in your way


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