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Alright. Here we go. Some warning for this one. ⚠️ Dead dove. Do not eat⚠️ Careful reading, my love.

Arzhel's smile deepens, causing his gold eyes to shine with mirth. "Do you recognize me?" He asks, voice so low it drums softly in her ears. "Cause I sure do recognize you."

Y/n remains unmoving, silent without choice. She should be alarmed. What does he mean by that? She can feel the fog slowly lifting from her head.

The man picks up his drink between long calloused fingers, swirling the delicate glass in circles. "Don't be frightened." His velvet voice dims around the room, speaking as if he can read her thoughts. In fact, he can, cause he is a mind reader.

"I did not approach you just because you smell like the most divine thing ever." His voice seems to vibrate the ground underneath her feet, deep enough to leave an impact but light enough to just echo in the air around them. "I did because I recognized your face."

That sets off many alarms in her head. Jihyun kept her quite a secret from everyone for the two years she was with him. Only people she felt comfortable with could see her. If this man saw her before she met Jihyun, then this probably won't end well for her.

Weirdly enough, she does not seem to care much about that.

The edges of Arzhel's lips tilt up a bit. "I knew your mate." He states, making her perk up a bit.

Y/n blinks, her head spinning as the fatigue of the day slowly starts catching up to her. She has barely walked around today, and she is already tired. Pregnancy is taking a toll on her.

"I was one of Jihyun's trusted men." The man speaks. "I could almost say we used to be as close as friends."

Something clicks in her stuffy head. He must have seen her beside him in a council meeting, or gathering which were hosted only for close friends.

The man starts to chuckle. The fact that it clicks so fast in her very visibly overwhelmed mind makes deep rumbles of amusement escape his chest. Her blank and doed-out eyes, which carry the world of the storm in them seem to straighten the tiny hairs in his body.

The last time he saw her, they were twinkling in an innocent warmth as they gazed up at Jihyun, looking like she was teasing the man for something, while the man stared down at her like she was his whole world.

That's him in her eyes. The storm that has stolen the joy out of her irises, that's his death.

"I know why you are here." He speaks into the silence of the room. "Namjoon probably realized that too. There is no way you are going to get information out of me. He just sent you here to get you killed."

It feels like her head is underwater. His voice seems to echo far away from her, as his brutal hands fist her hair in his hold and push her downward into the deep water. If he's not doing it now, he might do it later.

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