The Night Of Love

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Y/n doesn't come out of her room for two weeks after the incident in Namjoon's office

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Y/n doesn't come out of her room for two weeks after the incident in Namjoon's office. It is like a repeated cycle. One more time where she was made to witness something that turned her into a blank canvas. Dazed and silent, she lies in bed and stares at the ceiling for hours on end.

Sleep has escaped her the day she ran stumbling in her room to throw up. She lays wide awake in her mattress, mind blank and empty of anything. When will this end?

Every day, her food grows cold on the nightstand, and Mrs. Choi comes and takes it away without glancing at the young woman curled up on the bed. Even with the tray of food returning the way it was taken to her room, Jin still bothers to prepare a tray for her every time.

Just like right now, the man stands on the counter, fixing her a plate after they are done with their dinner. Hoseok slowly ambles inside the kitchen from behind, always so quiet you can barely hear him breathe.

He spots his older brother and his gaze trails down toward the tray of warm food. "Will the human come out?" He asks, resting his back on the counter behind Jin.

"She's too far gone to process," Jin replies without turning back. "It's better for her to eat something before our dear brother decides to take her out of the house again."

A minute of silence passes by between them after that. Hoseok sighs before he speaks up again. "She won't be able to do it this time."

Jin's hands slow down. "I know." He lets out, stepping away from the counter. "And Namjoon is going to be pissed."

Mrs. Choi silently walks inside the room, pushing the wooden food trolley in front of her. She walks towards the nightstand, picks up the plate of untouched food, and replaces it with a warm one.

Usually, she ignores the young woman curled up shaking on the bed, but today, she bothers to throw a glance her way. And she stops right then and there.

It's the most pathetic sight ever. Someone who is trying to run away and hide from the world. But no matter how much she tries, the world doesn't open up and swallow her like it did to her mate.

A lifeless body.

The folders in Mrs. Choi's hand curl up when her grip tightens around them. She takes a few steps towards the bed and once she is towering over the human, she places the folders next to her pillow.

The woman doesn't budge from the movements around her, but instead, lays still. Mrs. Choi stands over her for a minute, watching her for any movement. But when Y/n continues to lay still, she steps up towards her.

Her hand grabs a hold of Y/n's chin and she pulls it up to meet her eyes. Her irises have become so dull, they barely flicker with any sign of life. Her heart beats so far in her chest and inside her stomach, it is barely there. Her breath is also shallow, to the point it sounds like she will stop breathing any second.

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