Twisted Pleasures

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Y/n stare at Namjoon with wide eyes, watching him as he wrap a tight grip over her fate and squeeze it between his rough palm, to the point where only useless mush is left.

He want to choke her in between his calloused fingers, destroy the only sense of security left in her. It does not matter to him that a mer swipe of wind can break her, it does not matter if she is with a child, as long as this man gets what he wants, he will continue his brutal ways.

He let go of the hold he has on her chin, smiling down at her with such darkness in his eyes that it shakes her to her very core. Pupils shaking, her gaze move away from him and towards his other brothers.

Gaze trailing over each their chiseled faces, all she sees is the red thirsting in their sharply lidded eyes. She visibly shivers, looking away.

What can she do at this point? She can't run away. The wolves lurking outside will rip her apart in a second. If she stays still and go on with whatever these brothers wants, God knows what they will make her do.

After all, Namjoon just made sure he got that straight through her. She has to bend to her knees if he orders her to.

Living here is indeed not free. They rescued her and she has to pay the price and the fact that she is the mate of an enemy.

Fingers abusing each other, she stares down at her lap in deep traumatizing thoughts. She miss the death glare Jin is currently sending towards Namjoon.

The oldest brother sighs, eyes closing to calm himself down as he feels the last nerve ticking his head. He look down at the woman who has turned herself impossibly small.

"Have you been claimed?" He questions her but receives no answer.

"Y/n." He calls again for her attention, gaze swiping down where he finally notice the shake of her arms.

Y/n has held her breath. Are they going to force her if she refuses them? Who will they hand her over to just to satisfy their own twisted pleasures? Will she be forced to please anyo-

A sudden tight grip over her jaw, her head is forced upwards towards the man. Jin gaze back at her with one of his brow furrowed, the sight of tears lining her faded dazed eyes a dead giveaway of freshly crawling panic.

The scent of distress from her is not far away as it diffuse around the whole living room, harmones of a panic attack approaching the surface.

The scent is almost bothersome, Jungkook and Hoseok backing away immediately because of their sensitivity.

Jin pinch her cheek hard enough to make her flinch, Y/n wincing when she feels the pain in her skin. It snaps her back to her senses a little.

"Hey, snap out of it." Jin jerks her, and if it were not for him holding her face, her head would have rolled back as her body finally start to give in to the slumber that lurks her head.

"And she's gone." Jimin giggles from his place, hand over his mouth as he sway his leg placed on the couch next to him.

He was wondering when the effects of his bite will settle in. She did wake up and came walking out her door after the bite but that energy won't last her long. His bite is one of the nasty once. And she is finally forced to give in.

It makes him really excited. He wonders what she will dream of.

Jin turns his head to the side when Taehyung stands up, the youngest's eyes as dead and unbothered as ever. Hands in his pocket, the man takes a step towards the hall to his room.

"Taehyung, take her. Her room is on the way." Jin calls him out before he can leave.

Taehyung tilt his head side to meet his brother's gaze, not a word being said for Jin to realize the obvious answer. Releasing a deep breath, Jin looks away from him and the other man pass one glance to the woman before he turns around and continues his journey to his room.

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