The Dark House

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Taehyung breathes out, and then looks away

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Taehyung breathes out, and then looks away.

Y/n blinks, clearing her vision. She was staring at him in a daze for so long that she started to think it was Jihyun in front of her.

She instantly snaps herself out of the haze, tilting her head away from him and directing her eyes in front of her closed door. Has she really started hallucinating Jihyun? She keeps on seeing him and more than ones, she has felt his touch on her.

She is really going insane, it seems.

She slowly peeks around her side again at him, and shocked vibrates through her when she finds the place empty, his presence no longer there anymore. Bewildered, she looks around, eyes wide open.

His steps were so light, she barely heard him. It is like he's floating. They all seem to be. One moment, they are there and the next, she finds them gone. She has been staying in this room for a few months now, and no matter how much quiet this house is, she has never heard a sound coming from his room.

He is so quiet, it scares her.

They all must be gathering around for dinner. It is better for her to just stay put. She is already late for what Jin called her. If he saw her now, he will definitely glower down at her with red piercing eyes.

So she does what her guts tells her to. She goes back inside her room and locks the door, even though there is no point to it just like Jimin said, she still does it to feel secure. Even if she can never be safe in this house.

A sigh leaves her when her stomach starts to grumble as each hour goes by, till the clock struck midnight and she no longer hears any voices or whispers behind her closed door.

They all must have gone back to their rooms. Only then does she gets up from where she is curled into a ball in the bed and walks towards her door.

However, she halts at the sudden movement she picks up from the side, and her head turns towards the closed window in her room. The blinds are always drawn, and she dares to never pull them open or even peek outside from it.

But today, the wind seem to continuously tap on the glass of her window. She stares at it for long, before her feet unknowingly starts to move towards it. She stops in front of the drawn curtains and thugs back the velvet only a tiny bit from the side, till she can only peek her eyes outside the house.

Beds of roses line the big garden outside and they are blooming in beautiful reds and whites. Is that where they get their roses from? The whole house is surrounded by them, yet outside they stand tall and alive, while inside where they are decorated, they are a deeper shade of blood and dead.

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