A friend in need is a friend in deed

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Hi there,i myself am a teen. I am not the type of teen that is popular and i don't even speak much to people,but I am the girl that is friendless at times and alone.People may even end up taking advantage of You. At times we take matters into our hand and are gone away entangled in friendships that means us no good. I am here to let u know that Jesus is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother according to the word of God. When I was in my valley,there was a time when I was standing by myself, so I thought,but my lord Jesus was right there with me. Whenever You have something on your mind, he's right there ready to listen. No matter What You have done, he still loves You and wants to be your closest friend.
I can say the best friend to have is Jesus, he will never leave you, he will always be available to listen to you and he knows all that is best for you. If you put your trust in others, you will end up being disappointed, its good to have friends, but have the closest friend to you at heart, and that's the Lord.

I just wanna make a confession, I've never actually written a book before,so i would like to know What You guys think ok so u can write me/inbox me:-)

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