The tongue

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The bible saith Life and death is in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. We have the power to speak things into beings, It can be negative and it can be positive.

We have the authority to speak things into being. Whatever it is that You want; speak it

If it is your career command that you will be successful

You are the head and not the tail

You are above and not beneath

You will lend and not borrow
Speak it as if it were.

Also, as Christians you should speak positivity over the lives of our brethren. You are human, so you will argue and when a argument develops, words are said that you wish that you could take back, don't you? Yes so that's why we should always try not to say stuff that we will later regret and just two little words said is able to cause chaos, unforgiveness and hurt. So, to prevent that, you try to say what's on your mind in a positive way, sounds weird huh. The bible said you can be angry but not sin and don't let the sun go down on your anger,so to prevent conflicts refrain from using grievous words that will stir up strives.

Be encouraged today:-)

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