Genuine Love

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Yes the four letter word, so powerful in meaning.

Now when you say you love someone do you really love that person genuinely? I am talking about the brotherly love of course.

According to:

1 John3:16 & 18-
:16- Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his Life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

:18- My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed abduction in truth.

As brothers and sisters we should love one another and look out for each other as Christ did for the people when he was on earth. It is the Lord's desire that we treat one another with respect even if we are not brothers nor sisters biologically we are in the Lord.

You remember that commandment love your neighbour as yourself. Yes your neighbour does not have to be someone living next to you, it can also be anyone you oftenly encounter with.

Sometimes all a person wants to know is that they are loved show someone love today. It could be sharing, it could be a word of encouragement, it could be telling someone of the love of God.

When you say you love don't just say it but mean it as well, let your love be true and genuine. The love of God is perfect there is no flaw or scratch in it so should your love be towards your brethren and sisters. If a brother has hurt you forgive him ask the Lord to help you, empty your heart out before him he is willing to bring changes into your Life.

Here is an objective: By the end of this week tell at least seven persons you love them don't forget to tell the ones who never heard that word before and those who don't even Like you just say God Jesus bless you.:-)

Be encouraged.

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