You are Blessed

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Hi y'all

I just want to take the time out to remind you that you are considered blessed. It was a regular school morning; getting ready for school, I sat down and write this.

You are blessed and highly favoured, guess what; I know that You might not have everything You need but the little you have someone else don't have any.

At times we doubt to think that we are blessed; like me at times in my Life everything seems to go wrong for me most of the time, but guess what I have Life don't I and once You have Life the possibilities are endless with Christ.

Maybe this short but yet encouraging passage is for someone feeling like God has forgotten you and the needs You have.

Stop! and go back down memory lane and look on all the things the Lord has done for You and look in your house and count all the things you have therein.

Isn't he a good God ?

I should be ready right now, but I just stopped to bring a little word of encouragement to someone's heart today. No matter what you are blessed and highly favoured.

Be blessed.

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