Be Holy

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Hi You all!:-) God wants us to be holy meaning we should live a pure and godly Life in Christ Jesus;he himself is holiness. He said be ye holy for I am holy.
According to Corinthians 3:16- Know ye not that ye are the temple of God,and that the spirit of God dwelleth in You.17:- If any man defile the temple him shall God destroy;for the temple of God is holy,which temple ye are.

It is the will of God that we be blameless before him,You can become filthy by the things You do,the things You say and even the things you behold.Yes you can.
Thessalonians5:22- Abstain from all appearance of evil.The eye is the light,if your eye be full of darkness then your body is full of darkness:its vice versa. So to make your body be full of light behold your eyes upon the things that are:



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