Giving up is not an option

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Don't give up on God because he won't give up on you were the words I was told by a lady when I went to camp and It was now in my Life I remembered those words and guess what? I have kept the saying. So I pass on that same encouragement to you today. Yes. The pressure kicks in at times and the furnace is heated three times hotter, but just know that Jesus is in it with you. Just like the three Hebrew boys when they were told to bow and they refused,Nebuchanezzar said that it should be heated at numerous times and when they were thrown in the fire, king Nebuchanezzar said he saw four .The Lord knows that It wasn't going to be easy for us because he was on earth too, but he said he overcome and because he overcame, you will too.

One of the scriptures i like says ye have overcome them little children for greater is he that is in you the he who is of the world. Don't give him;he will give you double for your trouble; at the end of your challenge there is a reward.

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