Encouraging one another

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We need each other, I need you and you need me.

We need one another, I need your prayer, I need your word of encouragement, I need your strength, I need you and you need me as well.

Just an encouragement from someone will cause us to keep pressing and perusing after God.

Just as when Paul the apostle knew that his friend and brother in Christ, Timothy was feeling a little down wrote him an epistle that's how we should be supportive and encouraging towards each other, no man stands alone, each one needs another petson's help and strength to keep standing don't you think?

Even if your brother or sister had sinned, don't condemn them or push them to the side, but encourage them, restore them humbly, pray for them, and you can even ask the person what has caused you to feel this way. You might not get back an answer byte just pray, the Lord answers prayers.(Galatians 5:1)

We all feel a little down at times and we all need a little jump start at times, even by someone's encouragement.

When I needed persons around me to encourage me, nobody was there, it was just me, inspire of that, I'm just a prayer away from Got. Even if you find yourself in the same condition as me,you have Jesus which Is the greatest assurance of hope, but also a motivator.

Be that jump start for somebody Today.

Be encouraged .

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