Burden bearer

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There's a song i like,

All of your problems,

All of your pain,lay it down,lay it down

All of your heart ache,all guilt and shame,lay it down.

Yes,even though we are teens we have burdens carrying,but guess what he is our burden bearer. Whatever your burden may be,take it to Jesus and he will help you carry it. He is an always present help in times of disaster.

Take your shame

Take your load

Take your pain

Take your problems

Take them all to the Lord and leave them there. For the lord is an awesome, magnificent and mighty God, he is a God of impossibilities. Nothing is too big, where he can't break down, just like the walks of Jericho, nothing is too deep where he can't save, just like the red sea. No matter what your burden is, just remember you have a burden bearer, his name is Jesus.

Be blessed. Inbox or vote and let me know your thoughts.

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