The body of Christ

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We are liken unto a body. Having many parts for different functions and are equally important.

According to 1 Corinthians 12:25-27
:25- That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care for obey another.

:26- And whether one member suffer, all members suffer with it; or one member is honoured; all the members rejoice with it.

:27- Now that we are the body of Christ, and in particular.

We are one people under Christ if one suffers all should suffer as well if one be exalted all should rejoice. We are all equal no matter what kind of gift we have; the gifts are to edify the church of God.

We should show brotherly love and care towards each other that is pleasing to God, we should not see a brother suffering and shutteth up our bowels of compassion. That person is apart You just remember that.

Be blessed.

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