An effective Christian

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Greetings in the name of the lord! :-) Being a Christian isn't just a title, but it is a duty You have to carry out,like a job,we are obligated to do certain things even I.

We must read our bible and pray on a daily basis to build a relationship with the lord. There will be times in our live when we will face situations that only the word of God may help us to withstand the wiles of the enemy in such a time.

I remember one day i was at school and i had to re-write all my work that i had taken time to write, my physics work,but then i said to the Lord:remember You said i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me , believe You me i wrote over all that work in one night.

So in building a relationship with Jesus we will get to know him for ourselves. In knowing him for ourselves we may be able to encourage someone else.

It's a personal relationship.

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