Always do good

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How can I say to always do good? I know it kinda sounds weird.

To always do good for even the persons who are meanest and most cruel to you it sounds hard; wait a minute it is but with the help of Christ you can do it.

The bible says with-hold no good from anyone. So if at any time it is in your will to do anything good for anyone do it; in the end God will bless you.

The bible also go further to say that if your enemy thirst give him to drink and if he is hungry feed him; in doing so you will heap coals of fire upon his head. An instance is if you know someone that comes to without lunch, share with that person and if you see the person that hates you most be in need of something; share or give to that person that will be pleasing in the Lord's sight.

So always remember you can make a person's day or put a smile:-) on somebody's face because of something good you have done for that person; to some it may be a memorial, something that they will never forget.

Be blessed and be encouraged.

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