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Hi You all:-)

We all get tempted at times don't we?

Yes and it's most of the time to do what is wrong. Jesus endured temptation as well, remember after he wad baptized by John the Baptist he was led into the wilderness by the spirit where he was tempted forty days and nights but he came out victorious he rebuked the devil and said get thee hence.

So we are going to be tempted to do wrong, even cheat on a test, tell a lie to get out of trouble yes and other wrong doings but we should not yield to temptation but we should stand strong and ask Jesus for his strength to overcome.

1 Corinthians 10:13

:13- There hath no temptation taken You but such as is common to man : but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with temptation also make you escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

The lord will not allow you to be tempted beyond you can manage. He will help you and also find a way of escape for you. You know that temptation isn't sin, but it is when you give in, to it, and create the very act it now becomes a sin. Sin is terrible; the wages of sin is death a person can be so caught up in sinning and don't even realise that they are destroying their self slowly.

Jesus will help you through it, he won't ever leave you on your own because he knows you can't make it on your own, you can't walk this Life alone you cannot make it on your own. Remember he is with you every step of the way; when you least expect that he is there, that's when he is carrying you the most.

Be blessed.

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