Words are Powerful

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Yes words are powerful.

Have you ever noticed that what you say to a person could affect that person for the rest of their Life. It could be something positive or something negative that you have said. Words are effective and they all have different meanings.

Could you guess what the most commonly used word is? I will give you a clue; it contains four letters - - - -

Yes it's love, we hear it most of the time, "I love you." Most of you are familiar with that phrase.

We shouldn't just say I love you to someone abduction don't mean it, it would be empty and of none effect, but when you say it, it should be meaningful and so real that you could even feel it.

You can feel love and when you feel it you will know it's real not carnal love but brotherly love.

You can feel the Love of Christ, when you remember how much he loves you that he died for you and it even leads us into crying at times.

The main point that I am trying to bring across is that whatever you may say to someone you must mean it and make sure it is something positive to build that person and not to destroy because What you say can take root and begin to manifest.

Say something nice :-) to someone today comment on their outfit or just simply say Jesus loves you.

Be encouraged.

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