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Maturity is the state of growing pass the stage of childhood passing the stage of adolescence (that's where we are) and heading for adulthood. It comes along with a lot of responsibilities and important duties to carry out.

According to 1 Corithians13:11- When I was a child, I spake ad a child, I understood as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Now that we are teenagers we are going to be handed certain responsibilities.

Like to get a good education, so that in the end we will be able to get accepted by a good college and then in the future get a stable job.

Yes so we have to now start thinking ahead; and we have to now to our part by studying, try to pass every test and don't forget that we have to pray and ask for guidance. Be mature; act responsible do whatever You are supposed to do and in the end You will never regret it.

Be encouraged.

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