Promises and Secrets

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Hi how are you?What Do you think a promise is?

A promise is a commitment you make to someone to do or not do something. At times we make promises to others and don't keep it; but If It was us we would want them to keep ours, would'nt we? Yes we would. We make promises to friends, family and even our Lord and we should keep them.

The bible says that it is better not to make a vow to God than to make one and not keep it.

A secret is referred to something you don't want anyone else to know and having a secret you only tell someone in whom you are confidential.

You share your thoughts with a person because you trust that person and you have confidence in that person that whatever you have shared will not be repeated at all.

I know someone when you share your secrets with him he will not tell anyone else you may know him too; his name begins with J.. and ends with C.. Yes its our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ he remains loyal and truthful to the end my friend, he values your secrets. He loves you and wants you to tell him all about your troubles daily. He is a God that cares for you when you're sad he's sad too.

Be blessed remember to inbox me.

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