Overprotective (rin x sister!reader)

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Your phone vibrated on the wooden surface of your bedside table, making you look up from your computer.

You picked it up and read the screen, portraying a text message from your boyfriend.

To: xxx-xxx-xxxx
From: Nagisa
Mall @ 12, coming or nah?

You smiled and texted back.

To: Nagisa
From: xxx-xxx-xxxx
I have 2 get past big bro. :(

You bit your lip and put your phone down before walking up to your door frame and poking your head out. You looked down the hall and didn't see anyone near the front door so you walked out and tiptoed to the living room, hiding behind a wall.

Rin was sleeping on the couch with the news on the tv so you silently cheered and headed back to your room.

You got into your closet and picked out a cute tank top, threw a light sweater over it, and pulled a pair of skinny jeans on. You brushed your tangled hair and grabbed your phone, sliding it in your back pocket.

You tiptoed to the front door and reached for the handle.

"Ahem." You flinched at the deep voice. You slowly turned around and smiled innocently at upset red head standing behind you, arms crossed.

"I was.. going for a walk?" You said, quietly.

"Yeah right." He scoffed, holding his hand out, waiting for your phone.

You gripped your cell and shook your head. He wasn't going to control you today.

"No." You said, trying to keep your voice strong.

"You're not going to go see him." He said, causing you to snap.

"And what if I do?! It's my life, Rin!" You yelled, standing your ground.

"It doesn't matter if it's not your life. I'm in charge of this house and if I say no, then it's final." He said.

"You let Kou go wherever she wants, so what's the difference if I go or not?!"

"I said no, (y/n)." He said in a warning tone, avoiding your question.

"I don't care what you say! I want to know why I can't do a damn thing outside of this house!" You screamed.

"Because you're my baby sister!" He yelled, making you hush down.

"So that's what this is about. You don't think I can handle myself." You said, dripping with anger. You gripped the door handle.

"(Y/N)." He said, quietly.

"Well you know what? Watch me." You said, opening the door and slamming it behind you. You walked down the road before you could hear slamming and yelling coming from your house.

You let a few tears fall before wiping them with your sweater sleeve.

"Why are you so overprotective?" You asked, before pulling out your phone and texting Nagisa.

To: Nagisa
From: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Big bro caught me. Got in2 fite. Don't feel like going 2 mall, sry.

You walked to the park near your neighborhood and sat down on one of the benches. Your phone buzzed but you ignored it.

You sat there until nightfall before getting up and walking back home. You hoped Rin was asleep so that you could just walk to your room and lay in your bed.

When you reached your front door, you held your hand out to the doorknob but the door opened.

Suddenly, you were engulfed in your brother's arms, making your eyes sting with tears. You wrapped your arms around him and cried on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Rin." You said, your voice cracking.

A/N: FEELS. My heart melted when he said "Because you're my baby sister!" ;-; I wish I had a big brother like this tbh. My big brothers make fun of me a lot and they don't live with me, so I'm stuck with my bratty 13 year old brother, uhg. Hope you guys enjoyed this one-shot lmao.

;rice out;

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