Reader x Sousuke: Cold

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You were heading to your mother's house for the holidays and since you didn't have a car, you had to resort to riding the public bus instead.

After a few minutes passed, you realized you had forgotten your gloves.

The bus finally arrived as you and all the others climbed on, handing the money fee to the driver. She put the coins into a jar and started the engine.

Unfortunately, the bus had no heater so your hands were freezing cold. You rubbed them together and breathed on them to warm up but it wasn't working.

In failure, you pulled your beanie down a little more to cover your ears. You went back to trying to keep your tiny hands warm when you felt a nudge.

As you turned your head you saw a tall, well built guy that looked around your age. He was holding out a cup of coffee towards you.

Looking up in question, you saw he had a small smile on his face. You blushed and looked back at the cup.

"Here. You need to stay warm." He said quietly. You smiled and took the cup. The heat warmed your hands quickly, making you stare at the cup.

You looked up and thanked him. He nodded and the bus came to a stop. He turned and got off, but you ran out of the bus and grabbed him coat sleeve, making him stop and turn.

You blushed. "I.. What's your name...?" You asked shyly. He smiled again. "Sousuke." And then he walked away, leaving you at the bus stop.


The sound of an engine leaving made you snap out of your thoughts. You turned around to see the bus was leaving.

"Darnit! My stuff!" You kicked lightly at the gravel. You sat down on the bench nearby and looked down to see the cup in your hands.

'At least this will keep me warm..'

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