nitori x reader

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Requested by: oRaNgE_lOvAh88

I'm sorry it took so long! I finished it and Wattpad deleted it, I nearly cried..

"(y/n) close your eyes!" You heard a familiar silver haired boy call.

You giggled and sighed, finally closing your eyes. "Fine, Ai-chan!" You said, knowing he hated the name.

"D-Don't call me that!" He whined as you repeated the girly name, making fun of him playfully.

You had a crush on your childhood friend since gradeschool, but you never told him about it. There was something about him that made butterflies flutter in your stomach when you were together.

His hand grasped yours and soon you were being dragged by him. The wind made ur face feel nice but it was short lived when you both came to a stop. It was your cue to open your eyes and when you did you saw everyone.

Makoto smiling and talking to Haru, Nagisa laughing and running from Rei with the a pair of red glasses in his fingertips, Sousuke and Rin talking with Gou, Seijiro laughing as Momo-kun whined at him. They were all there. There was a small cake on a table accompanied by a pile of wrapped boxes, and the yard was decorated with blue, white, and green ribbons. They all turned and yelled, "Surprise! Happy Birthday!"

Tear welled up as you smiled and hugged Nitori. "Thank you!" You exclaimed, grinning.


The party was about 2 hours long. Everyone helped clean before they left so there wasn't much left to do when you and Nitori were alone in the living room. You carried a place with a slice of cake to the couch and sat down next to him.

You were bored so you looked at the cake. A sly smirk appeared on your face and you dipped your finger into the icing and smeared it on Nitori's face. He quickly wiping the blue goo off of his face. You tried to get up and run but he grabbed you by the waist, pulling you toward him. You were both laughing until he nearly fell on top of you. His face, inches from yours, made your heart flutter.

It happened in moments, Nitori slowly leaned in and placed his lips on yours. You felt as though everyone could hear your heartbeat, it was so loud. You eased into the kiss and when you closed your eyes he pulled away. You looked up to see that his eyes were full of doubt. You reassured him with a small smile and he leaned into another kiss.

When you pulled away he finally spoke up. "So I take it you like me back?" You giggled and pulled him closer, placing your mouth on his.

You smiled against the kiss, raised your hands, and fixed his tilted party hat.

Waaaah! So cuuute! >\\\< Again, I hope you like it. Stoopid Wattpad deleted the other one RIGHT AFTER I FINISHED IT UHG. So mad about that. SorRY iTs sO SHoRt. Requests still open! Comment if you'd like me to do one. c:

- rice-chan

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