You're my Everything (rin x reader)

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You and Rin had never really been one to express your feelings correctly but lately it was getting a little too much for you.

He didn't talk anymore. He seemed uninterested in you or your relationship.

Today you decided to take a chance and hold his hand. Your fingers felt numb from the cold as you reached for his. You grabbed his hand in yours but he snatched it away, a little too aggressively.

Your face was hot with embarrassment. He saw the look of sadness on your face and he immediately felt a twinge of guilt.

"(Y/n).. I-" You cut him off. "Forget it.." Your eyes felt a burn as a lump grew in your throat.

The rest of the walk home you both sat in silence. You kept your head down the whole time, not wanting to look at him.

You had enough. A thought popped in your mind occasionally, making you sick to your stomach. Maybe he was cheating.

You stopped walking and Rin turned around. You put your hands in your pocket to hide the fact that they were shaking.

"You-- We don't have to do this anymore." You said, failing to keep your voice steady. A shaky breath escaped your lips as you felt a tear run down your face.

"What do you mean?" He asked, pissing you off.

Your face got hot again from anger. "What do you mean, Rin? Lately I feel as though you're just not into it anymore. Into me. You won't hold my hand; You won't talk to me. What the hell? Did I do something-" Your voice caught. You choked on the words 'Are you cheating?'

You didn't want to believe it. Your relationship was about to reach a year now. It couldn't just be thrown away this easily.. Could it?

He shook his head sadly. You waited for an answer but he just wouldn't give you one. A few more tears slipped down your cheeks. Finally deciding to leave, you walked a few steps before he stopped you.

You turned around and gasped. He was kneeling down with a ring between his thumb and pointer finger. He looked up at you with sad, pleading eyes.

"(Y/n). I love you more than anything else in the world. I'm sorry I wasn't talking, I didn't want to give it away. And the reason I didn't hold your hand is because I couldn't stand the idea that I hadn't asked you to marry me yet." Tears of happiness streamed down your face as he continued. "Will you marry me, (y/n)?"

You couldn't answer without breaking down so you nodded. He got up happily, slipped the beautiful engagement ring around your finger and pulled you into a kiss.

You kissed back, smiling into the kiss.


You smiled brightly, walking down the red rose petal covered aisle. Friends and family stood up and watched you walk towards your red headed fiancé.

Tears caught in your eyes again but you made sure not to let them go, incase it ruined your makeup.

Ran, Makoto's sister, was the flower girl and Ren was the ring bearer. Gou-- Kou was the maid of honor and a few of my friends were the bridesmaids. Rin chose Haru as his best man.

You reached him and stood, waiting for Ren to hold the rings out. He did, and the priest began talking.

"I do." Rin said. Soon after, you said "I do." You both slipped each other's rings on and were told to kiss.

He smiled showing his shark-like teeth, and pulled you into a kiss. You kissed back and others started cheering.

"Hey, (y/n)," You heard Rin whisper into your ear as he slipped his arms around your waist. "Hmm?" You hummed as you cut a slice of cake.

"You're my everything."

Heh.. I kinda made Rin a little OOC. Hope you don't mind, though. I only realized it after I published and re-read it.

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