Night Terrors (makoto x reader)

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It was like any other romantic scene. Moonlight dancing off of the ocean water; the cool sand beneath your feet. You were with him. The love of your life; Makoto. As your gazes met, your eyes sparked with joy. But just as he had appeared, he was gone.

Whisked away by the darkness that surrounded both of you. You tried to call out; to scream his name. But nothing came out.

Your chest pounded beneath your ruffled sheets, and your immediate response was to jolt up, your arms placed behind you to prop your shaking figure up. The only light that illuminated your room was the fainted glow of your alarm clock. It said 1:45 A.M.

Your breathing became heavy and you decided it was best to take deep breaths, instead of shallow ones. Your hand instinctively reached for the phone resting on the bedside table.

You shook your head and heaved a sigh before standing up. Your legs felt weak but you were able to make your way to the kitchen to grab a water bottle.

Once you returned to your bedroom your eyes settled on the phone again. You couldn't call him. He had enough on his mind already. But you couldn't help but miss him since he headed out to college. You knew he loved you but you also knew that you needed to handle it on your own.

You crawled back in your small bed and attempted to fall asleep. After a few tosses and turns, you were able to get comfortable, and you closed your eyes.

Makoto needed something. He called on short notice so you knew it was important. You met him around the front of a cafe and donut shop. He seemed upset.

"What's up?" You asked nervously. He looked into your eyes with guilt. You started to worry.

"I don't think I love you anymore."

You shot up again, your hand grasping the phone next to you. Before you knew it you had already dialed his number and the other line was ringing.

Two ring later, the sound of Makoto's voice filled your ears.

"Hey. It's like 2 in the morning are you okay?" He asked, slight panic embedded in his words. You're throat began to hurt and the sting of tears pierced your eyes. You didn't answer but the sound of a small sniffle triggered another question.

"Are you have night terrors again?" Once those words were released, you let a few tears loose.

"I miss you.." You managed to choke out while wiping your eyes. You hated yourself for calling him, but you needed to hear his voice.

"Hey.. I miss you too. Look, I'm free all day Saturday and Sunday. Drive up to visit me." He said. His calm tone released your stress.

"Alright." You squeaked, letting out a few shaky breaths. You quickly added, "Can you talk to me for a little bit or are you busy?"

"I'm all yours baby. Anything for you." He said and you knew from the way he spoke he was smiling. You smiled too.

You situated yourself back into your sheets and covered yourself to where you were comfortable, while placing the phone on speaker.

You laid there, listening to the sound of his voice. After an hour, you were able to fall asleep without a nightmare interrupting you.

A/N: These one-shots are getting super basic now wtf is wrong with meee. I need inspiration but too lazy to look for some. Rest In Piss.


I recently started talking to this sweet girl @beautybolt and she's been working on a Free! Iwatobi Swim Club story and it's really good and I think all of you should stop reading my shit and start reading hers because yes. Please.

She's super nice and she deserves a follow too!!

Story Title: My Superhero (Based on Free! Iwatobi Swim Club)

Peace out girlscouts. -rice

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