Haru x Reader: Sick

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"You can't take a bath. You're sick and I promised Makoto to look after you!"

His stoic expression had no effect on you. Just like your orders had no effect on him.

"Mh." He mumbled at your persistence. You sighed and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. While looking in the cabinets and fridge you found nothing but a pack of mackerel and some bread.

"Does he only eat this..?" You mumbled to yourself while opening the fish. After you finished preparing the mackerel and toast, you put some on a plate and headed to Haru's room.

Slowly opening to door, your face heat up. You found him taking his shirt off. "S-Sorry Haru!" You blurted out while covering face and holding the plate out.

He took the plate, set it down, and put another shirt on. 'He has amazing abs...' Was all you could think. Your face heat up even more at your thoughts.

Haru saw your red face and without warning put his forehead againts yours. As if you couldn't blush enough, he made it worse. "H-Haru..?"

He pulled away. "Do you have a fever?" He asked with a tiny amount of concern in his words. "Yeah.. I-I'm fine." You answered.

After finishing up his meal he started coughing. Concerned, you said you were going to get medicine. As you stood up, you felt an arm grab yours. "Dont. No medicine." He said.

"Haru if you don't take your medicine you won't get better!" You said. He looked you straight in your eyes. You knew that look.

"You can only take a bath after you take your medicine." You said. He hesitantly let go of your arm and you left the room to retrieve the cough syrup.

After taking his medicine he bolt upright and shot over to the bathroom before you could stop him. Sighing, you picked up the bottle and put it back.

"Haru... You're gonna get more sick." You said to yourself before sitting on his bed. Before you knew it, you were falling asleep.

Haru walked in to find your sleeping form on his bed, scooted you over, and slipped into bed, falling asleep. In your slumber you slightly grabbed his shirt and pulled yourself closer, tightly hugging his back.

He moved his head over and lightly kissed your forehead before turning back. You smiled in your sleep.

You woke up coughing. Makoto had come over after you woke up to check on you both. He found Haru fine and you were sick. "Well now it'll be Haru's job to look after you." He said smiling.

You smiled back. You were glad you got look look after Haru.


Heeey another One-Shot! I thought this one was really cute.

Writing more later.


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