Height (sousuke x reader)

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A/N: I almost choked on the fluff in this one. If this fanfic chapter was a color, it'd be cotton candy pink with sparkles.

Requested by @Jack_And_Karma

IMPORTANT: Just pretend you're really short in this one-shot. ;-;

"I need to buy some sweaters for the winter." You said, looking down at your boyfriend. You were currently sitting upside down on the couch, with your head sticking off of the cushions. He was playing with your hair.

He nodded. "And you want me to go with you?" He asked, making you grin.

"Yes please!" You said, as he lowered his face to kiss you on the forehead. You giggled and hoped up, sliding your shoes on and pulling your over-the-shoulder bag out from under your coat.

His dark hair was messy and sticking out so you tried to reach but your arm wasn't long enough. He chuckled and entangled his fingers in yours and fixed his hair.

You smiled and pulled him out the door, beginning your short journey to the mall.

You stopped in a cute shop and looked everywhere for a sweater that would fit your small figure. You found a few cute ones but they were on the top rack so you tried to reach it but to no avail, it was impossible. Sousuke grabbed the sweater off of the hook, after seeing your struggle to reach it.

You smiled and thanked him before you heard a lady behind you talking to another woman.

"Oh that's so cute. He got the shirt for her." She said, clearly not talking quiet enough. You blushed.

"Hey Sou?" You said, making him look down at you. "Am I really that short?" You asked.

"Babe, you're barely up to my elbow. Yeah, you are." He said, laughing. You pouted. He'll see. You walked with him to the cash register and stood on your tiptoes and stretched your body so that you looked at least remotely tall.

Sousuke looked at you. "What are you doing, (y/n)?" He said. You looked up at him.

"Trying to show you that I can be tall." You said, struggling to stay on your tiptoes. He put his hand on your back to steady you.

Once you paid for all the sweaters you both walked out and went towards his house, quiet the whole time. He kept glancing at you through the awkward silence.

When you got home, you walked in and ran to the bathroom. He knocked on the door.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay? Please don't tell me you're upset." He said, going silent. Moments later you came out with the cutest sweater you bought.

"Ta-dah!" You said, holding out your arms, showing off the clothes. He smiled and nodded.

"Not bad." He said. You grinned and he walked towards you.

"Uh.. Sousuke?" You said, before your legs were off the ground and his hands were attached to your waist. "Ah!" You yelped.

He carried you to the couch and sat down, putting you on top of his legs, so that you were almost straddling him. He didn't take his eyes off of you.

"I hope you know that I love how small you are." He said, setting one hand on your cheek and the other still at your hips. He pulled you into a kiss and you closed your eyes.

You broke the kiss and laid your head on his chest, curling up as he began playing with your hair again.

"I love you, Sou." You said, quietly.

"I love you too."

A/N: Another one down!! Yay! And omfg this was so cute I died writing it. I am currently a poltergeist without all the anger typing an author's note to you guys. Sorry not sorry lmao.

;rice out;

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