Holes in the Road (makoto x reader)

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You adjusted the seat belt so that it wasn't giving you neck burn as you laid your head against the window. Trees flew past, streetlights barely lighting the path that you and your best friend were driving down.

Tired eyes drifted next to your seat as you looked over to see Makoto focusing on the road. He glanced at you and gave a small smile.

"We've got a few more hours until we get there, (y/n). That is, if traffic isn't an issue." He said, releasing one of the hands on the steering wheel to grip your arm in a comforting way.

He knew you hated car rides, just as much as he hated the dark. But your trip was something the two of you had been planning since the age of 12. He rubbed his thumb against your forearm, trying his best to calm your uneasy feeling.

"How much is a few hours?" You asked, looking at his gentle hand. He gave you a nervous smile.

"About 9?" He replied, earning a groan from you. Your eyes grew heavy, to the point where you didn't think you could hold them open for another 10 minutes.

"Hey, Makoto?" You said, barely audible. He let go of your arm and returned it back to the steering wheel as he hummed a questioning noise. You almost instantly missed the warmth of his hand on your arm. It went cold.

"Tell me another story from our childhood." You said. He smiled again.

"Alright. How about the time you and I got lost in a grocery store so you made us seem like we were in a fantasy?" He offered, making you giggle. You nodded.

"You told me that we were the king and queen of a mystical fairy tale castle and the people around us were demons and peasants." He started, smiling at the naive memory.

"We found the toilet paper aisle and made a fort in the shelf out of the packages and called it Snuggle Land because of the brand of toilet paper. You found us some plastic crowns and we called ourselves the ruler of all. When your mother found us we begged her to let us keep the crowns so she bought them for us and we carried the fantasy with us all the way home." He paused, remembering the plastic crown that he still had in his bedside table.

He looked in your direction to see you fast asleep, and smiled weakly. When he looked back at the road, he noticed a black hole in the ground and without thinking, went over it. The car jerked from the pothole and he instantly looked over at you to see if you were okay. You hadn't crashed or anything but since you were asleep he didn't want to wake you.

Along the road he kept seeing potholes and avoided each one, making sure to keep you asleep. With you asleep, your car ride nausea was put to rest and all he wanted was for you to feel safe.

"Damn.. Why the hell don't they fill this road? Isn't this a little dangerous?" He cursed to himself, frustrated.

*time skip brought to you by pool-chan because everyone loves pool-chan*

You opened your sticky eyes and saw sunlight so bright you had to shield your eyes with your hand. The car was parked and all you smelled was the stench of gasoline.

Makoto put up the tank filler and looked in your direction, his eyes brightening.

"You're awake. Do you want some food? I bought you a gas station muffin and some energy drinks." He said, pointing to the area next to you.

"Gas station muffin? Does it taste like gasoline?" You joked, earning an eye roll and a smile from Makoto.

"Ha-ha very funny, (y/n). And no it's your favorite." He added. You nibbled at the muffin as he got back in the car.

"Makoto.. thank you so much, for everything. You were always there for me and I just appreciate you so much and I'm really happy that you're my beat friend and--"

You were cut off by a warm pair of lips on yours. He raised a gentle hands and set it on your cheek, as you melted in the kiss. He pulled away and you looked down at his soft lips before leaning into another kiss. You both broke for air as looked into each others eyes.

"You get sappy in the morning, silly." He said, not straying from your eye sight. "And I guess you could say I do too." He pecked your lips again and smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too, dork."

H-HOLY WATER. I just now looked and realized I hit 100+k reads oh my gosh! Thank you guys so much I don'g know what to say ;; I love you all and I love getting up in the mornings to see all the emails of comments flooding my icloud app and I just- UHG. I LOVE YOU GUYS.

I got the idea for this one-shot from A Tear in My Heart by Twenty-One Pilots xD I love blurryface so much and I just found the scenario to be so cute so I had to. Sorry if my writing is downgrading omg I just realized how similar the endings are in all of the one-shots and I want to apologize because I haven't been improving very much. I need to up my vocab a bit and learn some new terms and phrases. I will try very hard for you babes because I love you that much and I don't want to disappoint you. :3 Well I might write another after this tonight if I feel really inspired. Thanks, you guys!


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