Rei x Reader: Studying

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Finals were coming up and that meant one thing-- Studying. So Rei dragged you to the library.

"But (y/n), you need to!" You heard Rei argue.

"But studying is so boring!" You whined back.

"Shhhh!" You both heard a librarian whisper-yell in your direction.

"Please?" He whispered, looking at you.

"Uhg.. fine.." You grumbled while grabbing the book from his hands. You pulled it open and began trying to focus.

After a minute, you glanced over at Rei who was already focused and into his work. You sighed softly and tapped your pencil on the book, trying to concentrate.

You had a low attention span and studying wasn't making it better. After a couple more minutes you glanced over again.

'This is so boring..' You thought while loudly flipping through the book.

"(y/n). You're making too much noise." Rei said quietly.

You felt your face heat up as you looked around to see a few people staring at you. You went back to studying but that concentration didn't last very long.

"Oi, Rei. Can I be done now?" You whispered.

"No (y/n) you haven't even done a single problem." He answered.

You quickly went through one problem, scribbled the answer, and pushed the paper towards the purple-eyed boy. "There. Now can I be done?"

"Come on. You need to study." He whispered, lightly tapping your book.

You mumbled incoherent things before doing some more problems. Without realizing it, you were back to tapping your pencil and talking to Rei.

Feeling a buzz go off in your pocket, you turned around and pulled out your phone. It was Nagisa texting you.

'Hey (y/n)-chan. How is studying?'

You quickly replied.

'Awful. Can't focus.'

'That sucks. Hope you can concentrate.'

You replied a thank you and closed your phone, putting it back into your pocket. You sighed as you slouched slightly in your chair.

As you turned back around to face Rei, you said, "When can I be-" You were cut off by Rei's mouth touching yours. You blushed deeply as he pulled away.

You were too shocked to talk anymore, so you were finally able to study.


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