Hot Damn (haru x reader)

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THIS IS A PART 2 OF LATE NIGHT DRINKS YOU'RE WELCOME. This is for the people that requested a 2nd part.


It's been 6 weeks. You felt like a teenage girl hiding her boyfriend from her parents. Except in this situation, it was your son whom had no knowledge of your relationship.

It was going to come out soon, though. You were sure of it.

"(Y/N)." You snapped out of your stupor, just then realizing that you were unconsciously staring at your water glass. You two were at a restaurant.

"Yes, sorry." You looked up at Haru, your boyfriend, who also happened to be your 13 year old's teacher. He raised an eyebrow.

"You okay?" He reached out and put a hand on yours. You nodded and smiled reassuringly.

"Just worried."

"About?" Concern colored his crystal blue eyes.

"My son. This relationship. All of it." You moved your hand away and put it under the table, playing with the table cloth's seam.

"It'll work out, I'm sure of it." He gave a small smile, causing a smile to break out onto your face. You really liked this guy.


You backed up against a wall, feeling the heat of Haru's hands on your waist. You reached up and gripped his hair gently, reaching up and smashing your lips together, creating a hot collision. Your fingers tangled in his dark locks as his hands carefully started to lift the seam of your shirt up.

You pulled out of the kiss to take a breath, putting your arms over your head, making it easier for him to remove the fabric.

His eyes wandered all over your upperbody, drinking in your appearance as if it was the last he'd ever see it. He put his hands on your bare waist and pulled you into another hot kiss, fighting over dominance with his tongue.

After pulling away, you lifted Haru's shirt up, revealing his perfectly toned body. You pulled him into a kiss and ran your hands gently along his chest, feeling his muscles contract and stiffen from your cold touch.

Haru slid his hands down your waist, and rested them on your butt, lifting you up and carrying you to his bed, all while still making out with you. That round, he let you win the tongue war.

He gently threw you onto the mattress and let you catch your breath before messing with his belt, removing it, then his pants. You did the same, only leaving the both of you in your underwear.

Haru got onto the bed, putting his arms on either side of your head, caging you in. You reached up and tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling yourself up to kiss him.

"I think I love you." He breathed. Your heart felt like it was going to burst.

"Let's find out." You gave a smirk and pulled him into a passionate kiss.


You opened your eyes and yawned, feeling the immediate need for water. You used your arms to push yourself up until you were on your side.

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