Translation Troubles (nagisa x reader)

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Tired vocal cords barely let a groan escape from your lips. You had spent the night coughing and hacking up your lungs, not able to stop the awful sickness.

The doctor said it wasn't a serious case of an illness but you wouldn't be able to use your voice for a little bit.

It was Thursday, but you had finished all of your homework ahead of time, clearing your schedule. You had nothing better to do so you laid your head down on the couch pillow, and closed your eyes. You felt that a good nap would make you feel at least a little better. After about 2 short coughing fits, you were able to finally fall asleep.


"(Y/n)-chan! (Y/n)-chan! Wake up!" Nagisa shook your shoulders, jerking you awake from slumber.

When your eyes finally focused, you could see Nagisa, on top of you, shaking your body. You tightly gripped his arms and attempted to put an end to his non-stop assault on your tired body.

"What?!" You whisper-yelled, unable to choke anything out of your hoarse voice. Nagisa thought it was the funniest thing ever.

"Pfft.. HAHA! (Y/n)-chan sounds like an old man! HAHAHA!" He laughed, causing you to knock him off of your body. He hit the floor with a thud, but his laughter continued.

"I-I'm sorry.. Pfft.." He apologized. You rolled your eyes and sat up on the couch, pinching the bridge of your nose, relieving you of some of the built up tension that threatened to form a headache.

"(Y/n)-chan. I heard you lost your voice. I came to be the hero!" He exclaimed, earning yet another eye roll from you. "I'll be your voice at school tomorrow! C'mon please, please, please!" Nagisa started to shake your shoulders again but was abruptly stopped by your hands.

"F-Fine! Just stop shaking me!" You replied, still unable to speak properly without your functional vocal cords. Nagisa choked back another laugh as you protested.

"Yay! Don't you worry, (Y/n)-chan! I'll be the best translator ever, you'll see." Nagisa bent his head down and planted a kiss on your nose. You felt heat rise up to your cheeks but you didn't care. Your love for the blonde boy knew no boundaries.

Nagisa was about to kiss you on the lips but you covered your mouth and shook your head, making the boy curious. You didn't want to get him sick.

"Why not?" He said, pouncing on you, resuming the position he was in when he woke precious girlfriend up. You shook your head again, not able to speak anymore because of the pain it caused you. You thought back to what the doctor had said about his voice if you continued to use it. That, and you didn't want to be made fun of again.

"Aw.. Maybe tomorrow?" Nagisa said, giving you one of his best pouty faces. You rolled your eyes and nodded, letting a small smile cross your features. Nagisa grinned and carefully removed himself from your body, cautious not to injure you.

"I love you, (Y/n). Get better soon!" He said, before grinning and heading out the front door. You smiled to yourself, happy to have the little ball of energy in your life.


You opened your eyes to a dark room, the alarm buzzing in your ear. You sat up and slammed your hand on the annoying alarm clock beside your bed.

You got up, and immediately felt the sudden surge of energy to walk around without the illness dragging you behind. You waited a few minutes but no coughing fits occurred, so you decided to try your voice out.

"A-Ahhh.." You mentally cursed your hoarse voice for being the only thing that wouldn't get better. You shrugged it off, though, seeing as it was Friday and you had all weekend to recover your lost voice.

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