Invasion of the Swim Club (iwatobi boys x reader)

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Today was your first day at a new high school. Iwatobi Highschool.

You looked around the hallway in search of your class room frantically only to get even more lost in the building. You kept searching for the classroom number but came up short and bumped into someone, hard.

You stumble back and immediately apologize, earning a stoic look from the boy you hit. Your eyes looked up and found that he was super attractive.

His eyes were clear blue, his hair dark blue-ish black. Although he was good looking, he was kind of scaring you. He held up a bird looking keychain with a shirt and said, "Join the swim club." With a monotone voice.

You looked at him with confusion and walked past him, a little irritated that he didn't accept your apology and asked you to do something when he didn't know you.

Your face was hot with embarrassment as you finally find your classroom, after the bell rang a while ago. The teach smiled and gestured for you to come forward.

You introduced yourself to the class, "H-Hi. I'm (l/n) (y/n). Nice to meet you," and smiled. The teacher, Sensei Ama told you to find a seat.

Your eyes scanned the classroom and met the same blue eyes as the boy in the hallway. And he was staring right at you.

The seat in front of him was the only one empty so you headed over in his direction and sat down, awkwardly. After you unloaded the necessities for the class out of your bag, you reached into the desk and felt an object. It felt like a toy.

You pulled it out and deadpanned. It was the bird keychain. Your eyes drifted towards the boy behind you and found that he was still staring at you. A piece of paper on his desk had the words DONT RESIST THE WATER in blue marker.

The rest of class, you stayed focused on the subject and finished the given assignments. After the bell rang, water boy tapped your shoulder and asked you again if you'd like to join the swim club.

You were about to decline but a tall brown-haired boy came up behind him and smiled.

"Haru.. Stop scaring (y/n)-chan." He said to water boy-- Haru. "My name is Tachibana Makoto. You can call me Makoto. This is Nanase Haruka. Call him Haru." He said.

You blushed at the sound of your first name when he spoke. He was also very attractive, but was nothing like Haru. He seemed nice.

"You look a little lonely. Would you like to sit with us on the rooftop for lunch?" He asked. You hesitated, but nodded and said thank you.

As they ate lunch, you sat awkwardly, picking at the food you had. Nagisa, an energetic blonde, came up behind your shoulder and surprised you.

"Woah! Look at (nickname)-chan's lunchbox! It's so colorful!" He said, making you turn red. He was really close.

The rest of the group laughed which made you smile shyly and try to converse with them. At one point, you were talking with Kou about girly stuff and glanced over to see that all the boys were staring at you. They looked like they were trying to figure a puzzle out.

"What's wrong?" You asked. Nagisa spoke first.

"Y'know.. You're actually really cute (nickname)-chan." He said bluntly, as if it was like saying hello. You blushed.

"E-Ehh??" Makoto laughed. "She is cute! Even when she blushes like that!" He said, earning a darker tint on your cheeks. "I agree. Very beautiful." Rei concluded.

Haru sat there and bluntly said, "She's pretty. Like the water." You didn't know what was going on. It was your first day and they already made you feel embarrassed.

Makoto laughed again and said, "S-Sorry (y/n)-chan! We don't mean to embarrass you~!" He said, making you feel a little better.

You smiled. Maybe it wasn't that bad having four hot guys call you attractive.

After lunch, you couldn't stop smiling like an idiot and couldn't really focus during classes. As you got home, you wondered what the next day would bring.

In the hallway, you still had a little trouble finding the classroom. An arm bumped you, a leg almost tripped you. It was harsh. Makoto came up behind you and tapped your shoulder. You turned around and silently cheered. "Ah thank god! I still can't find the classroom." You said.

Makoto smiled and led you to the classroom. He blushed when you bumped his hip by accident. When you two reached the classroom, he held the door open and led you inside first.

The classes droned on until lunch time finally arrived. You walked with Haru and Makoto to the roof. During the period of lunch, you couldn't help but look down at a glistening square. The pool.

"Is that pool open?" You asked, curiously. Makoto nodded and swallowed his good before replying. "We have a swim club. That's what Haru was scaring you about." You looked back at the water.

"Can we go down there?" Haru's eyes glistened. You grinned and picked up your empty lunch, then threw it away, following the five of them.

As you reached the pool, you turned towards the gate, then jerked your head back because something jumped in the pool. You said Haru, in his swimsuit, shirtless.

Your face turned hot. "Is this.. normal?" You asked. Rei laughed. "Yeah, Haruka-senpai loves water." You dipped your hand in the water and cringed. "It's cold! How does he do that?!"

A pair of arms wrapped around you and flipped you around, so that you were on someone's shoulder. You could tell from the height that it was Nagisa.

"H-Hey! Put me down!!" You yelled. He walked towards the water, so you clung to his shirt for dear life. In seconds you were surrounded by cold and splashed around.

You popped your head out of the water and glared at the blonde boy. He laughed and arms lifted you up a little. You looked to see Haru holding you in the water. Your face was on fire now because of the fact that he was shirtless and holding you so close.

He lifted you out of the water and you were met with a hand grabbing yours. It was Makoto. He pulled you back and handed you a towel. "I'm so sorry! Nagisa is like that!" He nervously apologized. You smiled and said it was fine. You shivered so he wrapped himself around you.

You looked up and he kissed your forehead. You didn't know what to do so you buried your face in his shirt.

After you dried and put on Nagisa's jacket, you sat on a chair next to the pool. Haru was out and dressed finally. You were hungry so you pulled out what you could find to eat. Nagisa was staring at your food, occasionally glancing at you.

You were about to eat (favorite snack) but as you put it up to your mouth, Nagisa's face was in front of yours. He took the food out of your hand with his mouth and ate it. After, he licked your cheek and whispered, "Thanks for the food (nickname)-chan. It was yummy," And sat down, smiling.

You were a hot mess at that point. These boys were insane!

As you headed home, you wondered if the boys like you.

Because you might've fallen for all of them.

AH I LIKE THIS ONE ouo I had fun writing it!! I gotta go to bed but I hope you like it too. ;) them boys really know how to get a girl's heart racing. tHANk YOu for 15k VieWs ANd thank you for following me!! ily all so much >.< g'night.

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