Fair (Rin x Reader)

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//requested by SirenLucy

The bell rang and kids rushed out of the room.

I had to finish a paper. I scribbled the last bit, tossed the pencil down, and flopped out of the school desk, glad that the school day was finally over.

As I gathered my books and other belongings I heard a group of boys nearby talking.

"Yeah did you hear? There's a fair today."

"So what?"

"Dude don't you want to go see the girls in a yukata? I hear their easy to remove, if you know what I mean."

I couldn't mask the scoff I sent in their direction. Such perverts.

However, I did want to go to the fair. I'll ask Rin to go with. He didn't agree to much stuff like this but it's worth a shot.

I finished packing up and headed to the pool to see if he was there.

/A/N: You attend Samezuka Academy/

My eyes skimmed the area, but all I saw was Seijiro, Momo, Nitori, and Sousuke. No red head.

I frowned, slightly confused.

As I turned around I bumped into someone, falling backwards.

"S-Sorry!" Then I realized it was Rin.

He laughed and held out a hand for me to grab. I did so and he asked me why I had visited the swim team. I blushed.

"Would you want to go to the fair with me, tonight?" He smiled, revealing his somehow sexy shark-like teeth.

"Sure. When should I pick you up?" He asked. "Hmm.. How about 7?" He accepted.

On the way home I wondered which yukata I was planning on wearing. I settled for a like blue and white one, as it was the cutest in the closet.

After getting ready, I checked the clock and as soon as I saw the time, someone knocked on the door.

Upon opening the door I smiled and pulled Rin inside. "Just one second."

I ran to my bedroom and grabbed my phone along with some spare money.

We walked to the school this time. He was quiet most of the time. A few comments would be thrown but never a real conversation.

I thought maybe he just doesn't want to go to the fair. I frowned.

When we arrived, I immediately scoped the area out for some caramel apples.

The search was unsuccessful, sadly. Rin and I were separated during the search, too.

I frantically looked around for the red head but to no avail. I couldn't find him.

I decided to go around to the back of the booths to see if he was behind there. I didn't see him so I turned around and bumped into someone.

It wasn't Rin. It was a group of boys.

"Hey you're pretty cute. Wanna hang out with us?" One said. I backed up until I hit one of the booths. Damn I'm cornered. I shook my head.

"Aw c'mon, we just wanna have some fun." One of them stepped forward, getting closer to me. I was getting scared.

His face was dangerously close to mine as he grabbed me. The others joined in. I teared up, scared for my safety. Some hands went where no one should touch.

"Oi. Take your hands off my girlfriend." Rin! I opened my eyes and as the boys decided to leave, I hugged him tightly. He put his arms around me tightly. He was worried.

I felt a draft in my mid section and realized that they had opened my yukata in the midst of the commotion.

"Nice bra. I'm pissed I wasn't the first to see it." Rin said before releasing me.

I blushed hard and yanked my yukata shut as he laughed and put his arm around my shoulder.

"I want to go home." I said.


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