Music Preferences (rei x reader)

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You stomped out of the room with your ear buds in hand.

"(y/n), it's just a band! I don't have to like it!" You heard him from the other room as you crossed your arms across your chest.

"I don't care! You didn't have to dis them like that, you dummy!" You fumed, your eye brow twitching in agitation.

"I'm sorry but I don't think their music is that beautiful, is all." He said, close enough that you thought he was right outside the door. You rolled your eyes.

Earlier, you decided to show Rei one of (favorite band)'s songs.

"Hey, Hey, Rei!" You exclaimed, leaning over your boy friend's shoulder. He hummed and looked up at you from his book, smiling.

"Hm?" He replied.

"Listen to this song. It's part of (favorite band)'s new album!" You said, handing him one of the ear buds. He took it and put it in, listening to the song. You eagerly watched for his response but what you got was a cringe.

"Rei?" You asked. He took the ear bud out and handed it back to you. "So.. How was it?"

"Sloppy. Their uncoordinated and off key. I've never really liked them in the first placed." He said, turning his attention back to his book.

Your eye brow twitched again, just thinking about the situation. You had locked yourself in your bedroom, and sat against the door. Rei kept knocking and saying "It's not a big deal, (y/n), I'm sorry."

When you didn't hear anything, you stood up, looking at the door. You felt a little hungry since you hadn't eaten breakfast yet.

"Okay.. I'll just slip out and if he sees me, I'll ignore him and get my cereal box." You muttered to yourself. You opened the door fast, and poked your head out of the doorframe, into the hallway. Once you looked both ways, you saw that he wasn't around so you walked to the kitchen.

You saw Rei reading his book again and glared in his direction, but stayed hidden to avoid his apology parade.

You opened the breakfast cabinet and grabbed a box of Lucky Charms cereal before heading back to your room quietly, tiptoeing to the door.

On the way you heard some noise coming from Rei, it sounded like humming. You could faintly remember where the song was from, but couldn't quite grasp the tone to figure it out. You got closer until your eyes widened.

He was humming your favorite song from (favorite band).

"AHAH!" You yelled, startling the boy into dropping his book. You dropped the cereal box and pointed at him like a child, grinning.

"I knew it! You did like their music!" You squealed. He shook his head and picked up his fallen book off of the ground. When he turned around, his face was bright red.

"I do not." He stated, pushing his red glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"You were humming one of their songs!" You argued.

"I think you're mistaken."

"I don't think I am."

"Are you sure about that?" He retorted, making you turn and grumble in frustration. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you tight.

"Okay.. You got me." He mumbled in your ear.

"Hmph." You retorted, not looking into his tempting eyes. He gripped you tighter.

"I was humming one of their songs.. but only because it reminded me of you."

Wowie this was short ;-; I'm sorry for being an inactive butt on this website. Like, I don't even try to return your guy's comments anymore it's sad. I'll try to be more active xD I have a lot of prompts thanks to my very good friend Pundiewundie. I actually got this prompts with her help. tHANK YOU PUNDIE-CHAN. You've been waiting for this one for forever ;3;

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