Anime is life (rei x otaku!reader)

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"SHH! I can't hear them talk!" You exclaimed, clicking the pause button on the video. It was a day off from your part time job and you decided to spend it at your boyfriend's house--watching anime.

"But (y/n) you're never off anymore! Is it so bad that I want to spend time with you?" He asked, making you sink into the couch.

"No.." You mumbled. He let out a sigh.

"What are you even watching?" He asked, causing you to perk up.

"Like you have to ask. It's anime!" You said, proud of your obsession. He gave you a dumbfounded look.

"The cartoons?"

"NO! Anime is essential to one's life. It provides life lessons, drama advice, entertainment, and sadness." You heaved, not trying to leave out your hints of annoyance.

"..With cartoons."


*time skip brought to you by Haru's bathtub*

You were in the kitchen searching for food. Rei had been on the couch, sulking due to the fact that you yelled at him for calling anime a cartoon.

"Here, sourpuss." You said, nudging him with a bag of chips. He takes the bag and sets it by his leg, waiting for you to sit down. Just to cheer him up, you sat right next to him, cuddling up to his chest.

"I'm not sorry for snapping." You whispered in his ear. He rolled his eyes.

"Watch this anime with me. You'll love it." You said.

"Fine.. What's it about?" Your eyes sparkled.

"Four boys making a swim team." You said, hoping it would catch his interest. "Haruki, Nagima, Nakoto, and Sei are the main characters."

"Hmm. Okay." He says, letting you pull the laptop closer.

You both watched the anime, sneaking each other's snacks. Rei seemed to be getting into it, judging by his attentiveness.

"It's pointless without you, Haruki!" Nakoto cried out. You were about to cry when you heard little sniffles coming from Rei. He was trying to hide his emotions.

"Well look who's getting into 'cartoons'." You smirked. He waved you off with a hand and a small 'oh shut up'.

"Not so childish now, huh?" You pressed. He rolled his eyes and pulled you closer, un-pausing the episode.

*time skip brought to you by Mamakoto*

By the time you finished the first season, you were so tired. You needed sleep.

"Rei. We have to go to bed, it's really late." You whined. He looked up at you from the laptop and let out a plea.

"Let me watch some more, okay? Then I'll be all yours in bed." He said, making you heave a sigh. "Tell me another anime to watch, though."

"Fine.. But are you sure?" You asked.

"Yeah.. I mean yes!"

"Fine. Try.. Boku no Pico."

A/N: SUPRISE BITCHES IM HERE. I thought over my meltdown and decided that this book was way too important to shut down. I will say this--I don't want anymore request-tsunamis. I hope you all know that I appreciate your comments and votes and support, it means so much to me!

And while I'm at it, you guys should follow me on Instagram and Tumblr oUo



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