Birthday Serenade (rin x reader)

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It was just another day. Another ordinary day. Except for the fact that it was your birthday.

You stood at your pale colored locker, stuffing whatever textbooks you could into the small space provided. After finally fitting your chemistry book into the clutter of notebooks, you feel the presence of someone behind you. Without given much time to react, two hands cover your eyes, cutting off your field of vision.

"Boo." You heard a familiar voice whisper in your ear. You reached up to pull the arms down and turned around, instantly beaming with affection.

"Rin! What are you doing here, I thought you had swim practice-" You eagerly managed, before he cut you off.

"You honestly thought I'd leave you alone tonight knowing it was your birthday?" He replied. You laughed and rolled your eyes before shutting your locker.

"Rin I told you I don't want a big fuss.." You started. He cut you off again.

"Just shut up and come with me."

[ . . . ]

Upon reaching the destination, he covered your eyes again, leading you. You giggled in anticipation for what he might have done. When Rin stopped, you held your breath, hoping he had considered your request for something simple.

"Ready?" He asked, you nodded against his hands before he released them. You instantly took in your surroundings.

"Rin.." You were at his house. On his kitchen table laid a small cake with a gift wrapped box next to it. You turned towards your boyfriend and hugged him tightly. He laughed slightly at your reaction.

"Thank you so much." You mumbled into his shirt.

"You're welcome babe. Now let's eat some cake. Afterwards we're on schedule." You laughed at that. "We're gonna order pizza then have a Marvel movie marathon."

"God that sounds perfect." You replied, smiling. "But first, I have one request."

"And that is..."

"I want you to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me." You grinned, hoping he would accept.

"No way." He answered.

"Aw come on.. please? It's my birthday, the least you could do is sing the damn song for me!" You shot back. He groaned.

"Fine. I can't believe you're making me do this." He said before clearing his throat.

As he started, you sat in awe at his vocals. His voice was a bit shaky from nerves but nonetheless you thought it was beautiful. After he finished, you couldn't help but blush and stare at him in surprise.

"..What?" He said, shifting uncomfortably. You were quickly snapped out of your stupor as you smiled deeply at him.

"I didn't know you could sing." He rolled his eyes.

"Shut up. If you tell anyone, I'll ruin you." You laughed as you took a bite of the cake.

"Yeah yeah. Let's get that pizza ordered. I'm in the mood for some Captain America."

A/N: A/N: Ah fuck. This was deadlined for January 30th but I'm an overworked ass hat and completely forgot. I am sooo fucking sorry this was so overdue I feel horrible!! It doesn't help that this is probably a really shitty oneshot either AAAAHHH. Requested by Karmitara I wish you a very late happy birthday and I apologize for the lateness of this.

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