Colors (rei x blind! reader)

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A/N: I feel bad for writing a violence ridden one-shot if some of you are easily squeamish. So I'm making up for it and writing this really fluffy one-shot.

"Hey (y/n), you awake?" Rei asked, walking into the living room. You had decided to take a nap, because you didn't get a lot of sleep last night. You grinned, causing him to brighten up and smile too.

"What're you so happy about?" He asked. You felt around for the coffee table before putting your feet on the ground. You patted the area next you, signaling for him to sit down. Moments later you felt the pressure of another body on the cushion.

You turned your head, thinking that you were looking at Rei but in actuality, you were staring at the tv. You smiled unknowingly and leaned back on the couch. Rei put his arm on yours and took your hand in his, entwining his fingers with yours.

"What do colors look like?" You asked, startling the boy. He pushed his red glasses up the bridge of his nose before smiling at you.

"Well.. It's not easy explaining how they look." He answered. Your eyebrows furrowed, but you weren't upset. After a few moments of silence, he broke it.

"I can show you how I describe them, though." He said, causing you to smile again. You nodded and he got up, leaving your hand laying where he sat.

After a little bit, he came back with something that smelled really good. You closed your eyes and inhaled the sweet smell. He took your hand again.

"This is what red, orange, and yellow are like." He said, putting a warm bread roll inside your palm. You squeezed, feeling the warmth of the bread. You smiled again.

"It feels good. Warm." You said. He took the bread away and set it on the coffee table.

"Good." He said, his voice carrying the same warmth as the roll. "This is what blue, purple, and green feel like."

You felt something cold and wet in your palm, causing you to winced. He had set an ice cube in your hand.

"Cold." You said, handing the ice back to him. He laughed and took it, putting it back on a towel. You laughed with him.

"Last one. This is what black, white, and grey are like." He said, setting a cookie in your hand.

"Not cold but not warm. Neutral." You said, feeling the cookie. You broke it in half, and held out the other, waiting for him to grab it. He did so, and you smiled, taking a bite out of your half.

Once you both finished your snack, he had put everything away and you were both sitting on the couch again. You looked in his direction.

"Rei?" You said, smiling shyly.

"Mm?" He replied.

"Can we make red again?" You said, holding your hand out. He felt his face grow warm and he smiled.

"Of course." He replied, taking your hand in his. He kissed your forehead and whispered that he loved you, making you look down.

"I love you too." You said, holding happy tears back.

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