Sneaking Out (sousuke x reader)

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"Good night, (y/n)!"



"Hnngh.. One more foot." You mumbled, careful not to be too loud. You knew that if you were caught, your interaction with the outside world would be cut off for good. "Shit this was an awful idea. I can't believe I'm doing this."

You were on the verge of hopping out of your window, sneaking out of the house. It was after midnight and you couldn't miss a party your friend wanted you so badly to go to. To say the truth, you didn't even really want to go. But it wasn't like you could say no to your best friend.

When your second foot found it's balance on the windowsill of your kitchen window, you finally were able to stand correctly, still needing to hang onto your bedroom window for support.

"Damn I really wish we didn't have a two story house." You said, a little louder than before but quickly returned to your previous volume to curse yourself for being loud.

"Uhm.. What are you doing?"

Your heart stopped.


You peaked down to see your neighbor's son, whose name you couldn't remember. Sousa? Suske?

You stared down at him, your legs getting shaky from the sudden heart attack you had.

"Uhm, what are you doing?" You asked, managing to finally calm down.

"I asked you first." He pointed back. You gritted your teeth.

"Watching TV from a different viewpoint. What does it look like?" You replied, sarcasm filling your voice.

"It looks like you're sneaking out, and got a bit stuck on the way. Let me help you." He said, earning a suspicious glare from your perspective.

"What are you doing out here at 1 in the morning?" You asked, bursting with accusation.

"I heard noises, came out here thinking it was a cat, and here I am. Now will you let me help you?" His aqua eyes were glistening in the moon's dim light.

"Fine." You said through gritted teeth, and rolled your eyes. You felt his hands grab your lower waist, making heat rise up to your cheeks.

"On three, let go. Trust me." His tone of voice had a serious-yet-sarcastic feel to it. You decided he was your best bet. "Three, two, one."

You let go, his arms caught you and held you until he set you on your feet. You were thanking the stars that it was dark outside due to your flaming face.

"Thanks." You said, smiling. "What's your name?"

"Sousuke." You snapped your fingers.

"Knew it. Hey, uh, I was gonna head to a party down the block. Wanna come?" You asked, deciding he was an alright guy.

"Nah.. I'm not really a party kind of guy. I was thinking maybe we could hang here. Snacks and video games." He proposed the unbeatable deal, earning your full attention.

"Sounds better than drunk people dancing to loud music. I'm in." You said, a grin spreading across your features. He gave a smirk and walked you to his front door, holding it open with his arm out like a mock gentleman, earning a giggle from you.

Maybe sneaking out wasn't such a bad idea.


HEY GUYS. Uhh, okay first things first; I love you all.

Second, I've decided that I will try //try// to update everyday if not every other day from now on. Tumblr has been helping me with topics and ideas so I got that covered. And Full of Fluff and a Dash of Love will have to wait, due to my lack of experience with writing gay fanfiction.

Sure, "it's the same as writing xReaders, just with another guy" but I have found myself writing 'you' and '(y/n)' and 'your' a LOT completely unaware of it until I reread what I've read and it's hard to transition when I've grown so used to xReader fanfiction.

So, I apologize for that. Another factor in my non activeness is the fact that now that we are away from our house, wifi has been a little difficult. It's okay, but it doesn't always work here in the temporary house. BUT, I will be getting my data back in about 2-3 days so I'll try to update accordingly to what I have announced up there.

I've been here for a year now I think, omg. A YEAR. I want to do a one year anniversary thingy like my senpai, AbbieVanityCakes did. She did a Q&A video so idk. LOL I'm indecisive.

Shit okay this is a long author's note, I'll get to working on my next one-shot.

Up Next: Nagisa x Reader

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